Benefits of drinking linseed water every morning


Benefits of drinking linseed water every morning

Start your day right!

A glass of linenwater in the morning may be the best way to start a day full of vitality. It offers an organism for antioxidant properties and advantages to lose weight.

Among the best superfoods to improve our health, we find flax seeds. Humanity consumes these seeds since ancient times, and they bring a lot of benefit for our body. Also known as linen seed, these small dark brown seeds are very cheap.

There are many ways to include them in our diet to gain the advantages they provide. If you have not yet heard about linen seeds, read to familiarize yourself with them and add them to your routine of the day, especially as morning drink.

Benefits of using linseed water

Flax seeds are one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which also contain alpha linolenic acid, are great for a diet and a balanced lifestyle.

These acids in flax seeds will surprise the health of your skin. They contain vitamins of group B needed to get rid of dry and scaly leather.

Health of digestive tract

Omega-3 present in linen water is also responsible for maintaining the health of the lining of our digestive tract and, consequently, a decrease in the inflammation of our stomach, can help the health of our digestive system.

On the other hand, flax seeds are ideal for eliminating constipation, as they contain a significant amount of fiber in their nutritional composition.

Antioxidant properties

They also have a high content of antioxidants, which are great for the health of our brain, because they eliminate the toxins that are enemies of oxygenation. Antioxidants in linen seed are also useful for our digestive system, because they help in the production of probiotics. Thus, our digestion is strengthened. Antioxidants even help us to deal with bacteria and viruses that we come into contact every day.

Get rid of extra kilograms

Flax seeds are also ideal for weight loss. Healthy fatty acids that they contain are also excellent elements to eliminate excess fat in the body. At the same time, its high fiber content will allow you to feel more well-free with each meal, reducing the number of calories you consume.

Reduces cancer

Several studies came to the conclusion that the consumption of linen drink will significantly reduce the risk of cancer. The regular consumption of linseed water reduces the risk of breast cancer, colon and prostate gland, since it can balance hormones in organs, so regulates their natural process and does not develop cancer cells.

The best time for consuming this drink is an early morning. That is why it is better to cook it on the eve. However, it is not recommended to maintain the following days, you need to drink in the morning.

Add 2 tablespoons of linseed seed and 2 glasses of boiling water to the container.

Wrap a towel container and leave overnight to get all its properties.

The next morning, this mixture must be filtered to remove seeds.

You can drink a glass of this drink in front of breakfast or add it to a useful cocktail or smoothie.

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