How not to repair


How not to repair

I want to warn those who are thinking to make repairs - some designer techniques and fashionable expensive materials will turn your life into hell. I lived at least in the top ten apartments - from the fashionable loft, to the grandmother-style or "house with an IKEA cover" - so I know for sure what I'm talking about! Watch?

№1 Studio

How not to repair

Immediately I say - I am not a designer, not an architect and I do not pretend to truth, everything written further is IMHO. I will start with the most fashionable, apartments - studios. It is good for loner, it is also suitable as the first mortgage student. Living in the studio with another person - I don't care what to share with him a prison camera. When one gets up drinking a driver in the kitchen, the second wakes up from the inclusion of light and hears everything in stages ... The blanket smells a steak of salmon, and kitchen towels - a toilet freshener. For some reason, street dirt turns out to be in all distant corners. You can hide from it and swim only in the bathroom, and it is short, if the bathroom is combined. The studio has only one plus: you see the bed, where yesterday, Spyan threw his pants.

№2 black furniture

How not to repair

Demonic generation of Ikea - precisely because of her this fashion appeared. Yes, it is impressive, with a pair of small black lockers, you can even live, but if all the furniture is black - you fell. You will wipe the dust in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, but everything will remain dirty. Sitting in the room, you see in real time, like black furniture, like snow, dust rapts. After three hours of cleaning, the sun comes out, and you experience hopelessness. I know what I'm talking about - I even have a black plinth.

№3 Dark tile, vinyl laminate

How not to repair

Claims are about the same as black furniture, only worse. On the floor, it will be possible to accurately track what you did all day: they drove the water - on the floor dried drop, these traces of heels - went through barefoot, but the cats ran, scattering wool and saliva. I have a black matte porcelain stoneware. When you wash it, you get it!

With vinyl laminate approximately the same. At first he brought me delight: soft, gentle, waterproof. And then I poured coffee. Three hours I draped the square meter of the floor and could not get rid of divorces. "Valya, do something," I am plaintively asked the housekeeper. For a long time I did not hear from the Valeki of such curses, as during the fight against vinyl laminate. However, she is at all a cool girl, such enchanting stories about Moscow and customers give out that you do not know how to cry or laugh.

№4 White walls

How not to repair

Scandinavian style? No, cheap freeze: Scandinavans Never paint the walls in a purely white color, they will certainly mix tint there. If you do not believe, tell me the seller in the paint store "I want Stockholm White", he will explain to you that it is. White walls, firstly, deprive the apartment, secondly, turns the house into the hospital infectious department. Thirdly, you will never laugh to touch these walls - your hands will never be enough clean for this. By the way, the apartment in the photo from my LCD, somewhere there, on the contrary, I live.

№5 Open shelves in the bathroom

How not to repair

At first it was such a busty riot against monstrous one-grade white "tubes under the bath". Now the open shelves fashionably do everywhere. You can take ready-made feeds, and you can like my owner with designer renovation in Kiev - make them "invisible" in the form of a niche in the wall laid out with tiles. Eternal, bitch, shelves. And here you are entering the bathroom, and you are pounced on you diverse jars, half-winged tubes, a male razor, a female depilator and tampons.

No, you can, of course, as in the catalog, like me - to spend a day to be beautifully placed, buy designer cosmetics, but it is worth a useful to you and all your "artistic disorder" will turn into a banal non-welltic mess. But designers probably sing "In our apartments are close bathrooms. And the open shelves give air! ". The fact that you will have to put the towels as in the photo you will have every day half an hour - they do not care. About guests learning all intimate details of your personal hygiene, I generally keep quiet.

№6 Roman curtains

How not to repair

This Council is not suitable for everyone, but a large or panoramic window in combination with a roll-curtain is a blood pressure. I have a glass wall at home. Neighbors opposite two movements of the hand cover the entire wall by ordinary curtains. I spend fifteen minutes, frantically lowering the first, second, third, fourth ...

№7 Sofa from IKEA

How not to repair

Now swinging on the holy - IKEA sofas are so favorite by our people. The photo is always very beautiful. For life - shit. Overwatching sofas on which it is expected to sleep - cubic shit. Six months later, they become curves, the threads climb on them, everything soft loses shape, the filler is knocked down. On the chairs to sleep and better. For non-believers, I can search for a photo, in which the most popular model of the sofa IKEA is turning just after three months, I have somewhere on my computer.

№8 husband bought kitchen

How not to repair

My favorite topic. In the last two removable apartments, the repair was made by men, they chose the kitchen. As a result, the doors of the cabinets open in different directions, drying for dishes The man forgot, keep kitchen utensils nowhere - the man does not think about the pots! - It is impossible to use the stove, because it is uncomfortable. There is a place for a minibar, but a multicooker has nowhere to put. I think the manager in the store, where men buy a kitchen, unreal deep neckline - how else could you be seduced for this shit?

№9 Apartment from catalog

How not to repair

In the new apartment I was on this and led. She was so beautiful! Now, from the height of your own experience, I advise you: Choosing the design "as in the magazine" or viewing the sketches of the designer, mentally enter into the picture: Mount Hats in the hallway, a cup and a pair of candy on the table, a bottle of vegetable oil in the kitchen, a dryer for clothes in the middle of the room, Flowing out of the closet of a motley clothing, a dirty child, shoes in the hallway. Do you like everything? Then take it.

№10 Cats

How not to repair

I have three cats. Therefore, I say: do not start cats, if you worry about your apartment! Cats - not about the interior, they are about love. They will scratch the leather designer chair, leave the girls of wool on the glass table, hiss in the mirror to the floor and even attack them, drop elegant outdoor vases and from a large anger to piss on black floors. There is also a dream interior, or an interior adapted by animals, or in no way. If, of course, you do not dream of a dirty hairy, but a very designer house.

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