Instead of a double boiler: how the foil balls will help cook a very tasty dinner


Put the three balls from the foil on the grief and enjoy the most delicious dinner!

Put the three balls from the foil on the grief and enjoy the most delicious dinner!

Tasty food is one of their simple pleasures that are guaranteed to raise the mood and make life a little more pleasant even in a gloomy day. It is a pity that not all delicious is useful and vice versa. Want a compromise - buy a double boiler and delight homely almost dietary foods for a couple. No money for a double boiler? Then remember this trick from the chef. And enjoy a delicious result.

Normal foil instead of a double boiler.

Normal foil instead of a double boiler.

Even avid fans of fried can not not recognize: the dishes prepared for a couple have plenty of advantages. The useful properties of products are preserved more, cholesterol - less, and what kind of fish is obtained! But if you are not morally ready to go to the dietary regime of 7 days a week and get it on a double boiler for a couple of healthy dishes, there is a solution. Cook a pair tasty and quickly will help the usual foil.

Everything is simple. Make 3-4 small balls from foil. Take a saucepan or a deep frying pan and put the balls on the bottom. Like this:

Foil balls at the bottom of a pan or deep frying pan.

Foil balls at the bottom of a pan or deep frying pan.

Products that will cook for a couple, put on a plate (note that you can use only heat-resistant dishes!). For example, the appetizing fish fillet in spices and garlic sauce. Do not forget to salute.

Fish will turn out to be fame.

Fish will turn out to be fame.

Put the plate right on foil balls.

Do not forget that the plate should be heat-resistant.

Do not forget that the plate should be heat-resistant.

On the bottom of the pan or frying pan. Add some water, literally 3-4 cm.

Add some water to reach the middle of the balls.

Add some water to reach the middle of the balls.

Cover the lid, send on the stove. And when the water starts to boil, slow down the temperature and tomit a dish of 5-10 minutes below the closed lid.

Instead of a double boiler: how the foil balls will help cook a very tasty dinner 11120_7

Cover the lid and how to "Paris" a dish.

The result is a gentle and juicy dish, which will definitely have to taste.

There is definitely not achieved such an effect with frying.

There is definitely not achieved such an effect with frying.

Bon Appetit! And before the start of the culinary experiment, do not forget to revise this video.

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