What happens if you pour vinegar into the sink: 10 hidden cloaks, which you did not guesses


Vinegar and its 10 superconductors.

Vinegar and its 10 superconductors.

Life is a delicate matter. And no one is insured against small household troubles. What if the children were wicked wallpaper, the kitchen attacked midges or the sink clogged? Scold, cause disinsectors and call plumbing? Not. To begin with, exhale. And then armed with a bottle of vinegar and solve the problem itself. You will be surprised how many problems will solve this simple tool.

What happens if you pour vinegar into the sink: 10 hidden cloaks, which you did not guesses 11112_2

Vinegar "shaves"!

Sometimes the scheme "Seven troubles is one answer" really works. Proven by folk crafts and a bottle of ordinary vinegar. That's what is capable of being in golden hands.

1. Clean the saddle in the sink

Vinegar and soda against a cloth in the sink.

Vinegar and soda against a cloth in the sink.

If the sink was hammered, and at hand there is no "magic powder" (we are about household chemicals, if that), do not panic. Put on the Stoke of Soda Stoke, fill the glass of vinegar on top and go to the side. The mixture will begin to hiss, foam and behave in general. This is a chemical norm. Do not be scared, but the block will leave. Remains rinse with running water.

2. Remove traces from stickers from walls or furniture

Vinegar against traces from stickers.

Vinegar against traces from stickers.

The unsuccessful torn label or the habit of children sculpt stickers on everything in a row is sometimes annoying. Calm, only calm: Fill a bit of vinegar into the bottle with a sprayer, take the "amazed" site, leave for a minute, and then easily erase the adhesive residues with a dry soft napkin. And nothing resembles incident.

3. Get rid of the unpleasant smell from the garbage bucket

Bread with vinegar against smell from the garbage bucket.

Bread with vinegar against smell from the garbage bucket.

Even the empty garbage bucket smells as if there was an eternally dissatisfied skunk there? Such a lifehak will help. Put a piece of bread in vinegar, put into the napkin and send to the bottom of the empty container for garbage. Leave the "lie" at night, and then dispose of. Bread and vinegar absorbed all unpleasant odor molecules as a sponge. The same reception works for other "especially fragrant" places in the house.

4. Replace half of household chemicals

Half will replace accurately.

Half will replace accurately.

Fill the bottle with a pulverizer on 1/3 vinegar, 2/3 with water and add a pair of dishwashing liquid drops. Shake well and get a universal cleaning agent almost the entire apartment. Moreover, for a penny.

5. Get rid of midges

Trap for midges based on apple vinegar.

Trap for midges based on apple vinegar.

The obsessive moshcar has one big weakness - love for sweet. And we will catch. Pour apple vinegar into a glass or bowl, cover the food film, and the small holes are pouring from above. The midges will fly to the trap, drive inside, but back the road will not be.

6. "Stroking" clothes without an iron

Vinegar and water instead of an iron.

Vinegar and water instead of an iron.

If you urgently need to be put in order clothes, and at hand there is no iron, mix in a spray bottle 1 part of vinegar and 3 parts of water. Treat a thing and leave to hang on a hanger for a couple of minutes. Large folds will smack, as it did not happen.

7. Wean a cat to sharpen claws about the sofa

I explain in a way you explain what you do not need to do so.

I explain in a way you explain what you do not need to do so.

Treat furniture with vinegar and cat to it will no longer get ready. True, there is a risk that is offended. But this is a completely different story.

8. Extend life with a flower bouquet

Apple vinegar will extend the life bouquet.

Apple vinegar will extend the life bouquet.

Is a sorry flowers, which even in the most beautiful vase wake up so fast? Add a little apple vinegar to the water, shake, put a bouquet there and thereby extend your life. And myself is the joy of contemplation of the beautiful.

9. Clear highlights

Vinegar for cleansing points.

Vinegar for cleansing points.

A bit of vinegar and a soft napkin from microfiber - that's all you need for perfectly clean lenses.

10. To wash the most stubborn spots of Nagara in a frying pan

What happens if you pour vinegar into the sink: 10 hidden cloaks, which you did not guesses

"Boiled vinegar" against Nagar.

Fill in a dirty frying pan a bit of vinegar, more water, send on fire and bring to a boil. After five boils, Nagar will leave with bubbles.

Have questions? Then be sure to look like this video.

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