Japanese doctor, 105 years old: "Citizen, enough to sit on a diet and constantly sleep!" To live long ...


POVE WISH MASTERS. I always respected Japan and its inhabitants, but Shigeaki Kryohara simply struck me. He lived with a happy 105 years and worked in the clinic until the last day. There were no such wise men for a long time, and we are unlikely to meet them in the near future.

Secrets longevity

His recommendations for a happy life are filled with ease, simplicity and infinite mercy. Read advice for life from Dr. Ginjara, admire and learn.

The secret of a happy life

  1. Have some fun!

    The feeling of joy brings more benefits than sleep and food. This is how Dr. Hinjara writes about this: "A person gets energy not from food or sleep, but from fun. Remember, in childhood, if we were fun, we forgot to eat, and the dream was not needed. In adults the same. You should not extend your body overhead power or sleep. "

    Japanese secrets longevity

  2. Pinting right!

    The secret of the Japanese longevity is in moderate food intake. A cup of coffee in the morning, milk or orange juice with olive oil - that's the whole breakfast. Lunch can be skipped or make it minimal. If you are engaged in useful things, you don't need food.

    For dinner, you're better eat vegetables, fish with rice. The use of meat must be limited, twice a week 100 grams quite enough, the doctor believes.

    Eastern secrets longevity

  3. Plan a way

    Fill out a notebook on the plans for the future. Materials are material - when you think about the future, there is no time to look back in the past and sadness over the problems.

  4. Specify knowledge

    Shigehaki Khinojara spent at least 150 lectures per year. The duration of each is up to one and a half hours, and all this time he read them standing.

    The best secrets longevity

  5. Doctors can not cure everything!

    "When a doctor recommends that you pass any tests or to make an operation, ask him, would he advise the same for children, his wife or other relatives?"

    This adoption of the doctor has a strong subtext. Commercial medicine has ceased to be a panacea. Why a person is unnecessary suffering if she can't cure him? Sometimes your favorite music or animals help better than experienced doctors.

  6. Do not regret yourself!

    Physical exertion is optional to perform in the gym. Hiking, bike, staircase instead of elevator - it is much better than nothing. The sofa is an worst enemy, it is necessary to rest active. In his 105 years, Hinohara stepped out two steps at once, forcing the muscles to work.

  7. Read!

    Find your book for inspiration. Let it help determine the goal in life. The doctor advises the "Abbot of Fogler" Robert Browning: "We must put a big goal in art and in life. If you are going to draw a circle, it should be so huge to finish and for all my life. We are visible only part of this circle - arc, and the rest beyond our vision and our life. "

    Japanese secrets of wisdom

  8. Pain is not a sentence!

    Modern hospitals should have more fun: music, dancing, animals. Art therapy helps better medicine. Switch attention from pain for something interesting, immediately forget about it.

  9. Opera trust

    In pursuit of material enrichment, a person forgets about the main things - love, care, mercy. Word of the sage on this: "Remember: no one knows when he breaks his hour. With you, we will not take it all. "

    Japanese secrets of wisdom and longevity

  10. Science as art

    Scientific formulas and dull phrases help a person is impossible. Diseases are closely related to the human soul. All people are different, and the approach to treatment should be individual.

  11. Be ready for surprises

    Our body is able to create incredible things. Shigehaki Khinojara told an amazing story about how he was captured and relied only for his own strength. Love and respect for your body will help overcome any physical trials.

    Japanese secrets of health

  12. Find teachers

    Find a sample to follow. Through the forces, try to surpass it. Hero for Hinjara was his father, later he was inspired by other personalities: "When I find yourself in a difficult position, I try to imagine that these people would do in my place."

  13. Live for a long time - it's great!

    Enjoy life every minute, every moment. Let the new day be better than the previous one. Remember about others, after 60 years help everyone as far as possible. No need to demand anything in return. What you are alive is the highest board.

    Secrets longevity Japanese

Dr. Shigehaki Khinojhar died on July 18, 2017. He remained president of St. Luke's international clinic in Tokyo to the very death and continued to take patients. In his notebook, the pages were filled 5 months ahead. He was 105 years old. A man with a capital letter! Light memory to him.

With unusual to understand the secrets of long and full-fledged life, it is not easy, and even more so to follow them. But this is the whole essence of a happy life.

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