Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself


Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself
Many owners of cats, probably, thought about how to provide their favorite a house, which would not only be cozy, but interesting in terms of entertainment and games. Earlier, we have already considered the option of making brates for cats, which included not only the game complex, but also a cozy house.

But what, how to do if the living space of your apartment does not allow you to install a bulky game complex for your favorite?

But in this case there is a way out. You can combine the bookshelf, with the place of entertainment and recreation for your cat, which will not take unnecessary space in a cramped apartment.

In this case, everything comes down to the manufacture of bookshelves, which will be located in the form of a ladder so that the cat could move freely on them.

It is necessary to decide on the size and shape of the bookshelves

If storage of books and other souvenirs is not assumed, the task is greatly simplified and comes down, only to install the shelves for cats on the wall.


Materials for the manufacture of shelves can be a chalkboard made of natural wood or LDSP. If you have chosen a laminated chipboard, then you don't have to do anything, because you can cut and glue the edge on the same company where you acquire the chipboard. But only connect all the confirmates and hang on the wall. That's just, sell chippers sheets, so a lot of chipboard will remain too much, and accordingly the costs are great.

When making shelves for cats from a natural tree, you acquire exactly so much material how much you need, which compared to the acquisition of the chipboard, it turns out a lot of economy.

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

Manufacturing process

Now it is necessary to cut the board to the sizes you need.

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

We connect the chalkboard with the help of furniture duct and joinery glue. Either you can use screws or confirm.

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

After the wall design is assembled, it must be painted or opened with varnish, and after drying, hang on the wall, securing with the help of dowels and holders of the shelves.

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

For the manufacture of the suspended Lestenka, we need a rope and segments of plywood (you can use furniture lamellaes, just cutting them into segments of equal length).

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

For the horseshests of the ladder were equal to each other, the wooden beads, brilliant nuts, or just to make nodules on the rope can be riveted between them.

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

One house is good, but you can make another house and consolidate him away from the shelves, without any ladder.

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

In this case, the shelf has one board (scenery from plywood) so that the cat does not fall into the cat during sleep, the lacquer does not fall.

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

As a decor, you can make a backlight on the bookshelves by gluing the LED tape.

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

The top surface of the shelves is crushed by carpet, so that the cat has the opportunity to sweat their claws and did not ride your wallpaper.

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

Wall-mounted house for your favorite is ready.

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

Wall furniture (shelf) for cats do it yourself

Now the cat can choose, in which of the houses to relax her more comfortable.

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