Chandelier for parents


I have not been at home for a long time (Ulan-Ude). But there is no time, then not for that, then the Motherland comes to me. But the 80th anniversary of Babuli could not visit.

The holiday was good, but was unpleasantly surprised by the fact that the repair began long ago, did not move away. Due to the lack of repair, in the kitchen, instead of a chandelier hangs just a cartridge with a lamp. In the evening, they drose - a bare plate can be seen.

Chandelier for parents

I wanted to quickly cheat quickly, but I remembered the experience of one of the members of the chandelier for a friend.

The form, like the predecessor, took in the form of a star David. I threw, for a general understanding of the shape and sizes in the Word.

Chandelier for parents

Such an extract as easy to do - 3 boards 2 meters saw in half, drank on the joints, twisted the bolts and shone plywood.

Chandelier for parents

Trimmed - like the project is scheduled interesting.

Chandelier for parents

The wife abandoned the cream, closed the mourn and varnish. I drank the hole with a hole. Most hardly - hide wiring. To do this, the canals drank the channels under the wire, threw the wiring and closed the channels with lining from plywood (the lining was then frown too). Dremel, however, after that I went to repair. Although it was Dremel, no Russian-Chinese hat. Disappointed (

Chandelier for parents

Put the spots and a large central plander.

Chandelier for parents

The ceiling planted on a transverse crossbar. Replaced the hook bolts for the chains that the chandelier will be suspended, the hooks dressed in a heat shrinking tube.

Chandelier for parents

As hooks, I took an anchor ring, where I did the cut in the eye. The finished anchor hook did not suit me a form.

Chandelier for parents

In place of the 3x Cartridges delivered from the factory, I installed a wide round diode lamp Jazzway

Chandelier for parents

Whatever nuts on the front side would decorate, bought decorative buttons on the leg. Dreamed dreamed and glued down the buttons over the nuts.

Chandelier for parents

Chandelier for parents

The base for fastening the chandelier drank from the admiration of larch. Multiple holes under the hooks (also an anchor hook in the heat shrinking), wire and central bolt, the wife closed with a mourn and varnish.

Chandelier for parents

A gray bolt on a brown background did not suit me, and I climbed into the briefs of the Internet, in order to find something more interesting. SPAX was given to me.

Chandelier for parents

I replaced the gray washer on a cut of 42 mm brass hexagon, kindly elected his beloved wife.

Chandelier for parents

Cut at the base of the groove under the washer, tried out - where is it better!

Chandelier for parents

Packaging chandeliers - a separate story. Polyfoam reversed Lerua, and the cardboard is a local trash. The dimensions came out serious - 100 * 116 * 36

Chandelier for parents
Chandelier for parents

The most discerning that business lines forced to open the packaging to check the contents.

After 4 days, the chandelier arrived at home, where it was with the 3rd attempt to successfully heating. Lights became much more (total capacity 60W), and the room from "unfinished repair" turned into a "fashionable Loft style".

Chandelier for parents

Chandelier for parents

Chandelier for parents

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