Otolaryngologist: "The color of the ear sulfur will tell everything about the state of health!"



Earwax - Not just a substance, which from time to time is strangely accumulated in the ear channel for cleansing and protecting auditory channels, it is the most that neither there is a marker of your health! Perhaps this idea will seem strange to you, but the next time during the hygienic cleaning is not hurry to throw away a wand, because it is capable of telling a lot about your health ...


Editorial Tell that Color of ear sulfur Can tell you about your health and why this symptom cannot be ignored. Look at both!

Sulfur in the ears

The sulfur is produced by sulfur glands of external auditory passage. When dead cells, hairs and other products, ear sulfur are added to this secret! This tricky yellow-brown substance serves to lubricate and clean the auditory channels, and also protects the organ of hearing from all sorts of bacteria, fungi and other unclean.

So what kind of it should be normal, and with what the character of ear sulfur should be alarming? Let's figure it out!

sulfur in the ears

  1. Too dry sulfur

    An explanation of the excessive dry sulfur can serve as an insufficient existence of fats in the body and their products with sall glands. In this case, doctors recommend using any vegetable oil in the process of cleaning the ears. There may be a symptom of skin problems, excessive dry skin at which is a typical syndrome.

    ear sulfur changed color

  2. Gray ear sulfur

    If a cotton wand acquires a gray shade during cleaning, and other accompanying symptoms is not marked, most likely it is a banal dust. It should not be afraid, for residents of the city is a completely typical situation. If it is joined by the unusual shade of ear sulfur, and sulfur itself becomes fragile, then most likely you have encountered eczema. In any case, self-proof until the good will not bring!

    Changed color of ear sulfur

  3. Yellow, wet and sticky sulfur

    Such type of sulfur is the most common, and indicates a healthy functioning of the hearing aid. By the way, there will be dry or wet sulfur - defines genetics. For example, most Asians sulfur is moderately dry, but the representatives of the European-like race are most often yellow, rather wet and sticky. Scientists argue what distinction caused by climatic conditions in which the one or another Race lived and evolved.

    Own sulfur what should be

  4. Dark and dense sulfur

    Dark brown and dense sulfur is not a reason to worry ahead of time, even the spectacle is indivible. A rather dark color of ear sulfur may be the result of the hyperproduction of the secret caused by stress.

    Also, such a shade of sulfur may indicate its long stay in the outer auditory passage, and its color is due to a long-term contact with oxygen.

    Curly brown sulfur

  5. Own sulfur

    White sulfur may indicate not enough consumption of vitamins and minerals. A short course of vitaminotherapy - and the color of sulfur, as well as the general condition of the body, will come to normal!

    Own sulfur

  6. Sulfur

    The unpleasant smell of the ear secret is the reason to immediately visit the ENT doctor. This unpleasant symptom can be a sign of fungal or bacterial infection, and can also be a satellite otita - inflammation of the middle ear.

    Own sulfur stink

  7. Ear sulfur with blood traces

    Traces of blood on the ear chopper during cleaning may indicate traumatic Perforation of the eardrum . However, such a situation will be accompanied by a sharp sudden pain during hygienic cleaning. In this case, it is necessary to immediately visit the ENT specialist to provide professional assistance. In other cases, the presence of blood may be a consequence of traumatization of the coverings of an external auditory passage (scratching with poor-quality or homemade tools for cleaning the ears).

    What does the color of ear sulfur mean

  8. Dark brown or black sulfur

    Such a wiciful color of the secret may indicate stress, or be a sign of the presence of an infectious disease. However, the latter will not be limited only to the extraordinary staining of the sulfur - here and the pain, and itching, and the unpleasant smell. We recommend visiting a specialist!

    Own sulfur

Council of the editorial office

By the way, did you know that cotton wands are not the best to clean the ears? As it turned out, instead of thoroughly clean the auditory pass, you just pushing the sulfur jams even deeper, and what is worse - you can injure the eardrum. Silent, excessive hygiene by ear chopsticks makes your ears defenseless before infections causing inflammation. Most doctors claim that it is quite enough time to wipe the ear shell from time to time, removing that sulfur that comes out naturally.

Remember that sulfur is not a problem As long as does not accumulate in the outer hearing aisle in excessive amounts. In this case, you should drip a few drops of oil or hydrogen peroxide into the auditory pass to help the secret to leave the ear canal naturally. Be healthy!

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