How is the traditional Japanese house


Seek in the old Japanese house - an unforgettable experience. All according to traditions: Gankan, Vasitsa, Fusum, Södy, Tatami, Dzabuton, futon, Osira. There is even a kamidan. With Simenate and Side, as it should be. He photographed all-all-all, shot a small video. I invite you to an excursion.

How is the traditional Japanese house

Gankan - Japanese entrance hall. In this zone you need to remove shoes. According to the rules, it is necessary to deploy shoes towards the door. Adopt the exaltation you need already barefoot.

How is the traditional Japanese house

Traditional men's shoes, perhaps this is the option of Gate

How is the traditional Japanese house

The room in traditional Japanese style is called Washitsu. The space is divided using the internal sliding walls Fusuma. Frames and lattices are made of wood, the outer side is covered with opaque rice paper. Partitions separating residential premises from the veranda are called Shoji. For them, rice paper that transmits light is used.

How is the traditional Japanese house

Kamidan - Niche for Kami. A small shinto sanctuary, like a home altar in Russian skeins. Shimenawa - literally "enclosing rope", denotes the sacred space. White zigzag strips are called shide. Kami - Japanese deities, perfume.

How is the traditional Japanese house

How is the traditional Japanese house

There is no central heating. You can turn on the air conditioner if it is in the house, or a floor heater. Our odor, gas heater catalytic, so it is better not to use it. It is expensive to pump the house with air conditioning, so they solve the problem of locally. Comes understanding all the delights of Japanese bathing bath. She is small in the area, the legs will not be stretched, but the water does not cool the water, and deep, outside only the head. The owner carefully left the heights. Electroplates are also widespread. There are still special devices - Kotatsu, wrote about it here.

How is the traditional Japanese house

The futon is a thick soft mattress, spread overnight for sleep. In the morning it is cleaned into the closet. The cabinet is called oshiire.

How is the traditional Japanese house

The corridor around the perimeter of the house in the warm season is combined with a garden. The walls are simply shifted, at the same time it becomes cooler. In this case, traditional are coated on modern glazing.

How is the traditional Japanese house

Doors usually decorate painting. Please note the image is shifted to the bottom, because it is designed for sedimentary. In the Japanese house, it is not customary to stand vertically, moved from place to place and sat down on his knees. The posture is called seiza, literally "correct seat".

How is the traditional Japanese house

How is the traditional Japanese house

The living room is adjacent to the European sofa and the Japanese table on low legs. Flat pillow is called zabuton. They are used for seating on the floor or on chairs. Although Japanese chairs are actually sidewoo with a back.

How is the traditional Japanese house

How is the traditional Japanese house

The kitchen is located outside the house, it is more terrace. There is a rice cooker, microwave, something like grill, stove and refrigerator. A lot of dishes.

How is the traditional Japanese house

Washing machine just huge

How is the traditional Japanese house

Since the main space of the house is located on the elevation, you can arrange a storage room. The underground as we have.

How is the traditional Japanese house

How is the traditional Japanese house

The window overlooks the garden

How is the traditional Japanese house

This Voneten Guest House on the island of Izu-Oshima is in a town of Humpuminato, in a common village - . The house booked on Bucking. The owner is sociable and hospitable. I met at the stop, took to the supermarket, launched my drone, took a video into memory. It was very cool. Port Huba is a quiet place, the best impressions.

How is the traditional Japanese house

Japanese cat Anko. Pupil, does not climb into the house. Even if the door is open, sitting outside.

How is the traditional Japanese house

At the end of the video, a tour tour

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