7 ways to use baby oil


7 ways to use baby oil

Baby oil

When we talk about aesthetics, many people immediately think about the salon or expensive cream, but in fact there is a solution.

But there is a product that is in every home - baby oil.

List of baby oil benefits:

- Beautiful legs

- After you perform an exercise, apply a few drops to your legs and make a massage.

- eliminates itching.

Pregnant women suffering from itching in the abdominal cavity can cause some oil and see excellent results.

- helps facilitate the removal of the dressing, regardless of where it was posted.

- Muskites drives out.

If you mix a little bit of this baby oil with several drops of disinfectant, you can use it to scare mosquitoes.

- Moisturizes the skin

If you make your feet in the water for a few minutes, soften the pembia, and then dry them, you can apply a little baby oil and quickly wear stockings, it will make your legs shining and moistened.

- Remove stretching

If you apply a small amount of this oil on breasts, belly or similar areas, you can avoid stretch marks due to pregnancy or weight loss.

- Hydration

The use of this oil after bathing will help your skin stay smooth and brilliant.

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