How to get ice cubes from the form in 2 seconds and do not scatter on the table


Fix the result.

Save festive cocktails!

Save festive cocktails!

A man against ice form is an endless battle. Where is there Batman against Joker? And although the bowl of weights with the victory constantly hesitates, we have it a good advantage: an inciser. And resourceful people came up with how to get the ice from the form literally in 2 seconds! Yes, and do not scatter it across the kitchen. Take for weapons, holidays close!

Man against ice form: Last battle.

Man against ice form: Last battle.

How often is it on the way between a person and his cocktail stands ice, stubbornly stuck in plastic form? And how many morning washings were not a frozen chamomile for the same reason? Enough tolerating this! The next time try this lifehak from folk craftsmen. And even the most stubborn ice cube will be in your hands after a couple of seconds.



Initially, well shock the shape from side to the side to shake the position of the ice in his "fortress".

Hands should be clean.

Hands should be clean.

Now we are slightly wetted the fingertips in the water and attach it to the cube. Particularly metering people offer to use their own saliva for this purpose. But if we are talking about festive cocktails and other drinks for guests, then this is somehow "Fu". Although the choice, of course, behind you. And yes, the hands should be clean.

Focus Poko!

Focus Poko!

Wait a couple of seconds and raise your finger up. The cube will get up to him and jump out of the form, as if the crane is tuned. Send it to a glass as soon as possible, and the "hero" is under warm water.

Fix the result.

Fix the result.

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