How to speed up manual knitting: my set of secrets


knitting, patterns with knitting needles, quickly

The season of warm knitted accessories and long evenings has come. It's time for knitting! After all, for this type of needlework requires a lot of time.

I think that many of you, like me, thought about acquiring a device for knitting or knitting machine. But, viewing a lot of instructions, master classes and works using all kinds of devices, I understood, nothing can replace manual knitting! Never! Things that came out of such devices are obtained by the same type, not interesting ... and even beautiful patterns that came out of the car are obtained by faceless, not causing any emotions. But manual knitting has an individual, rich and unique view. Each product as a letter from hand has its own stress and its history.

But still, is it possible to speed up manual knitting? I think that each knitter has its own methods, and I would be glad to know them. Please write in the comments, if you have any. And I want to share with you my set of small secrets, which I use in your work to knit faster. They are simple and understandable and, together, help speed up manual knitting, without losing quality. I hope that every knitter will find something useful in them.

Crochet, knitted things, knitted clothes

Selection of tools

The tool is the most important component of the process of creating the product. I will say, for myself I found the most comfortable needles that can be knit almost at the speed of light. These are the so-called knitted knitting needles (as for socks, only longer), they are matte and with pointed ends.

Always choose the needles and hooks with pointed ends. Such a tool is easier and faster to capture the loop from the first time. Scribes must be as easy and without tips. Overweight is an excessive load and loss of knitting speed due to fatigue. When knitting a wide web, I choose the knitting needles with a matte coating, knitting will not slip from the other end of the knitting needles. Print a narrow web can be chosen as much as possible glossy glossy knitting needles. The canvas will be easier to slide, it will not need to push it and thereby lose the precious time. It is that the thickness of the spokes corresponds to the thickness of the yarn. For the convenience of knitting before starting work with circular spokes (regardless of the selected knitting method) I straighten the fishing line, while holding it in Hot water. If the ends of the tool have roughness, begin to cling the yarn or fingers, I part with them. This distracts from work, takes time and annoying. I do not use various additional tools in the work, such as additional spokes, studs, markers, row counters and other objects distracting from basic work. When knitting harnesses, braids and other similar patterns, I throw a loop between two knitting in the order in which it is necessary, and then they are silent. So I knit absolutely all patterns. When knitting products, bodied on four knitting needles (such as socks or mittens, for example), I often choose a knitting methods on two spokes (without a seam), and there are those.

Knitting method

I do not knit on circular spokes in a circle. I don't have any claims to the spokes yourself, they may be comfortable when knitting a very wide web. But! Not in a circle. When knitting in a circle, it is necessary to constantly push the canvas. From such actions, the canvas rubs up, loses the appearance of a new thing. And this is a colossal time loss. The lack of a seam on the things connected in a circle I do not consider it a plus, since such a thing has no orientation on the side (before-ass, left-right) and this is not convenient when operating the product. I connect the product with a neat knitted seam with a hook (in detail, exactly as I do it, I will describe in the next workshop) and never with the needle! My solid opinion, the needle is not a tool of knitters, such a seam spoils the appearance of the product. Not knitting according to the schemes. Do not knit according to the scheme, understand it! To understand the pattern and understand it will take much less time than constantly distracted from work, looking at the scheme. I choose yarn in comfortable small modes and knitting, pulling the thread from his middle. At this point I will not stop in detail, I already described this method here >> The thicker yarn, the faster the thing will contact. If you need to quickly make a product, choose a thick bulk yarn. It is worth knitting too tight. Free hinges are pronounced much faster than dense. If you do not need a more dense web, you can take more subtle needles. I do not turn the cloth when knitting. Touching the row with the right hand, I convey auxiliary needle to the left and start knitting the next row, in the opposite direction, without turning the canvas. It is convenient because it is not spent time to turn the web, the pattern is always before the eyes and it is easier to reproduce it, when knitting with several balls at the same time, their confusion is excluded. Perhaps this method will seem unusual, but it is very simple and comfortable. You just need to take it. I invented him myself and I always use it. Someone, binding as well, I did not meet. If you knit so knit, write in the comments, I will be glad to find like-minded people :) If my way my way will seem interesting, perhaps later I will make a master class and even write a video, exactly what I knit. For work I choose a comfortable light and quiet A place where you can enjoy knitting for a long time.

Thank you for attention!

Hope my simple tips will be valuable for you!

Regards, Elena.

Knitting to order, master class, knitted luxury

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