Fast and cheap handicraft to school


Morning .. Going to school .. The child pleases the news that she needs to bring New Year's wreath today to the class. And in the classroom, she herself volunteered to make a wreath, and at home completely forgot))))

But there is nothing to do. We run to make a wreath.

In the house there was a wire hanger (got from dry cleaning), paper, tape, and I get out of old stocks and proceed ..

Ince the shape of the circle and wind the scotch with crumpled paper. Then the case is for Mishur. He fastened the base well and wrapped the wreath around.

Fast and cheap handicraft to school

Mishur is better to take the same fluffy, it will work out beautiful. I have different, but .. what was ..

Fast and cheap handicraft to school

For decoration, you can attach candies, cones, small balls. But I found such a tinsel

Fast and cheap handicraft to school

Wound a wreath with a golden ribbon.

Fast and cheap handicraft to school

Fuh, ready. The daughter showed how in school it will be necessary to straighten the same Mishur to look smoothly and beautiful wreath. Babes hang wreath on the door to the class. The process is cheap and fast, so, if lost, not scary.

Describes the basic steps. You can decorate a wreath as you like and anything.

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