How to make rounded corners - small trick


How to make rounded corners. Little cunning

The complexity of round corners is that they constantly strive to become not just round, and also with ugly sticking angles.

This method was told to me once for a long time at work.

Say that I was surprised - it means not to say anything. From his simplicity I was in a light shock.

It is easy or not, you can appreciate yourself and, if someone likes someone, then take into service.

1. We have before (let's say my pocket is a chest pocket on a shirt) and a pocket itself with such a round angle.

How to make rounded corners

2. And now attention!

We put a large stitch and laying a line for 1 mm in the side of the cabin line.

How to make rounded corners

3. Now slightly tighten this line so that the angle is formed.

Lock pocket allowance.

How to make rounded corners

So it looks from the wrong side:

How to make rounded corners

4. And then everything is simple: we put the pocket into the place of the sewing and stick it with pins.

How to make rounded corners

5. We pave a line by 1 mm from the edge (or two lines in parallel - according to the model), pull out the backbone and affect the pocket.

How to make rounded corners

It turns out a very beautiful and smooth pocket.

How to make rounded corners

IMPORTANT! The softer and plastic cloth, it will be easier to round the corners. If the cloth is completely tough, it will be a little more difficult, but still it turns out.

I specifically did this sample from plastic fabric, but a tough (kapron) and thin fabric - everything turned out perfect!

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