Useful properties of Balzam "Star"


Pictures on request Useful properties of Balzam

Which of us did not try or at least heard about the famous "asterisk" - a balsam in the notorious round jars of red with the image of the star? More recently, this universal ointment was almost in every home! Do you know what it is and what is its benefit? This is an ointment that mainly consists of essential oils.

I did not even know that this jar opens

It was she saved Soviet people from a set of sores - a runny nose, itching and other misfortunes, I almost like a panacea. Perhaps it's time and modern people stock the jar of this smell? Let's figure it out.

Why is the "star" love?

Why "asterisk" (or "Golden Star", how does its name completely sound) like? Due to the aroma and feelings of the coolness, which she gives. Its use in large quantities leads to the desired effects, but at the same time an overdose may occur and, as a result, an allergic reaction.

Now the "asterisk" has already lost its former incredible prevalence and popularity, although now continues to be used. Former Soviet citizens and today are sacred to its all-platform properties. An important role in this was played by the design of the packaging, the symbol of the USSR.

How do you use the "star"?

It is believed that the "asterisk" helps with a cold (strong and bright aroma instantly relieves nasal congestion) and some types of pain.

Often, the "star" is used to get rid of the itch caused by mosquito bite. Thanks to the cooling effect, items really takes 15-20 minutes, then it may appear again.

• In the cold, they carry out ointment under the nose, smear the wings of the nose or make inhalation (some ointments are dissolved in boiling water, bow the head over it, while covering it with a towel, and breathe; another option is to use a special inhaler).

• Headache rubs whiskey, abrupt arcs, a plot over the upper lip. Be careful: if you put your fingers with your fingers, in no case are you not trying with your eyes, but better immediately after applying Balzam, thoroughly wash your hands.

• With a cold, ointment is often rubbed in the abdomen, chest, back.

• With pain in the muscles and joints, balm rubbed into disturbing areas.

• For sea disease, it is useful to rub the balsam in the head and whiskey.

• It will help the "asterisk" and at depression - rubbing balm in whiskey, abrasion arcs and heads, you will sleep better and return the spiritual harmony. And you can also go and aromatherapy - a little balsam (smaller than the pin head) need to be placed in the aroma, pour water and light the candle.


• Using the "star", make sure that it does not hit the mucous membranes, in open wounds, on the mouth of the skin. If it happened, immediately rinse the injured place with plenty of water.

• Because of the use of "asterisks", adverse reactions, allergies may occur. If you feel anywhere, wash the ointment and do not use it anymore.

• Can all this balm can be used? No, not everyone. Any drug has contraindications - and the "star" including. Namely - increased sensitivity to its components.

• Children under 2 years of use of Balzam is prohibited.

Asterisk and pregnancy

To this ointment they love to resort pregnant women, mainly due to its naturalness. At first glance, this is an ideal remedy for pregnancy, saving organism from a variety of troubles at a time when it can not be pushing with all sorts of tablets. But is it? And let many advise it to use it, it's not so safe. This is also stated in the instructions for Balzam. Why?

The main contraindication of the "asterisk" is increased sensitivity to components. And in pregnant women, there are the most increased sensitivity - to many products, smells, drugs. Therefore, even if you have never had allergic seizures, in a new period of life you are not insured against them. After all, the Balzam includes various oils: eucalyptus, clove, cinnamon, vaseline, mint, etc. Each of them can cause allergies.

If you are not pregnant, remember that compared with many medications "asterisk" - less from evil, but it is not necessary to abuse it. And it is definitely necessary to carry out a test for sensitivity, there are few ointment in the back of the wrist and watching whether redishes will not appear during the day. And in no case do not apply too much Balzam - you can get a burn. Everything in moderation is the best wisdom!

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