How to eliminate bumps after injections without expensive drugs at home


How to eliminate bumps after injections without expensive drugs at home

Injections leave bumps on the body.

Such a side effect is familiar to everyone who at least once accepted medicines intramuscularly.

The reasons for the appearance may be several:

  • Incorrect administration of the drug (too fast or vice versa, slowly, the penetration of the drug under the skin)
  • Introduction of certain medicines give such an effect (antibiotics, magnesia, vitamins)
  • Infecting the place of puncture
  • Introduction to the tense muscle
  • Failure to comply with the temperature mode of injected drugs
  • Individual sensitivity tissues
  • incorrectly selected syringe and needle diameter

The danger of the solar seal after the injection

How to eliminate bumps after injections without expensive drugs at home

If you do not affect the appearance of a bump, then in the end it may be needed surgery.

  1. Seal can be infected that will give an impetus to the appearance of purulent discharge.
  2. Or may begin to compact the neighboring sections with the hematoma.
  3. The hematoma may be very deep in the tissues and tack only with a strong palpation.

In all these cases, it is necessary to contact the doctor.

First aid

Often the bumps pass by themselves, but sometimes the problem is tightened for several months.

The simplest thing you can do to prevent the appearance of the hematoma - iodine grid.

How to eliminate bumps after injections without expensive drugs at home

To do this, you need to take iodine, to coat your cotton wand and draw the cells at the injection site.

Iodine warms the desired place, and the bump disappears.

But the grid is not always effective.

In the case of long-standing, solid hematoma can be applied Vishnevsky ointment.

How to eliminate bumps after injections without expensive drugs at home

To do this, you need to apply a small amount of ointment on a piece of bandage or a cotton disk and attach to the desired area for 30 minutes. To enhance the effect on top, you can impose a warm fabric, and at the end of the procedure to process the place with a moisturizing cream.

But sometimes it is not enough. The bump is not absorbed, it continues to root, itching can appear.

Then you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe you warming up or infrared radiation.

The most effective folk methods for the treatment of solar seals

If you have not yet decided whether to contact the doctor, try these folk methods tested for years.

one. Compress with cabbage sheet: It is necessary to smear the problem space, to impose a clean cabbage sheet on top and consolidate it with the help of fabric for the night.

How to eliminate bumps after injections without expensive drugs at home

2. Compress with Aloe: Aloe leaf (plant not under 3rd years) to remove in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then get to make a puree from it and attach to a problem space, fixing with warm tissue.

How to eliminate bumps after injections without expensive drugs at home

3. Compress with banana leather Provides a similar action.

How to eliminate bumps after injections without expensive drugs at home

4. Compress with business soap. It is less effective than three previous ways, but quite cope with a minor seal. It is necessary to thoroughly lay a piece of bandage or cotton fabric and attach to the desired place for several hours, you can at night.

How to eliminate bumps after injections without expensive drugs at home

5. Homemaking ointment. You need to mix 2 h. L. Honey, 1 yolk and some cream oil. Ointment apply to the right place and also secure warm fabric. Leave for exposure for 3-4 hours. The procedure can be done no more than 2 times in 7 days.

How to eliminate bumps after injections without expensive drugs at home

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