Cake of kings on the New Year's table - eaten instantly!

Cake kings - eats instantly!

I am writing the name under which the cake has existed for many years, since I was taught by his oven ... in Tashkent, where I went for a week to a friend!

The recipe sincere times when the country was bad with the products, but in Moscow there were always in the sale of walnuts (on the market), sugar sand, butter and eggs. More for this cake was not required. True, I needed a sugar powder, which was never on sale. I have been or delivered it through a friend in a ministerial dining room (they received it), or Mollah in a coffee grinder.

I had two coffee grinders - one for coffee, and the second for the needs of cooking.

Who at least somehow remembers those times, will understand me.

The cake was then baked quite often, since the store with margarine cream did not tolerate. And there was always a success! He woken up instantly, no matter how fastened guests, and it did not depend on the number of those present.

I kept him impressed in my head, but somehow all the hands did not reach ... Now so much ... You do not know that the oven first!

But on the same forum came the conversation about this cake. It was his girl from Serbia, who has a aunt-Serbian bake him constantly. And the effect of destruction, i.e. Evidence, the same!

She, however, has his own nans in the recipe, but the meaning was the same. Even other, completely from different places, and everyone had their own, very similar recipes of this cake. Interestingly, everywhere in the territory of the former USSR cake wore a proud and pathetic title - Royal! But at that time he really justified his name!

Cake kings - eats instantly!

It is necessary:


10 Belkov

240 g of powdered sugar

600 g of purified walnuts

2 tbsp. l. Stachmala


10 yolks

200g oil

160 g of powdered sugar

2 tbsp. l. cocoa

On the decoration - chocolate and nuts (50g + a few halves)

The oven is heated to 220 ° C


1. The nuts slightly fry, follow, so that they are not burned. You can leave whole halves, and you can chop them with smaller pieces.

2. Beat proteins with sugar powder to a stable foam, like on meringue.

3. Add starch to protein dough and mix gently. Then add nuts.

The form may be any. I am a fight on the fight.

Wash the bakery paper and threw the dough.

I put in a hot oven and immediately reduce temperatures up to 180 ° C.

A bake of about 20 - 25 min.

We must look at the color, there must be a dark beige color.

We take a baking sheet out of the oven, the korzh is a little cool. I cut immediately and put on the lattice for further cooling.

I cut into three parts in width, three rectangles are 3 cricks.

Cream. To lose yolks with sugar powder, and then beat with butter, adding cocoa.

You can add a liquor or cognac. It turns out very interesting to taste cream!

We collect a cake, missed the cakes and a sides of the cream.

50g nuts that took on the decoration, shred in a blender and rummage the entire cake.

Decorate as you like.

This is such it turns out in the context.

Cake kings - eats instantly!

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