We sew a dolphin pillow and fly to the sea!


Summer starts - vacation time! All are going on vacation. On the sea. But we still spend a significant part of the rest on the road. And this part wants to make more comfortable. I offer you a Dolphin pit pillow. It is absolutely not difficult to sew it, but on the road such a pillow will be indispensable

So, let's begin!

We will need a small amount of material:

Road pillow

- Fabric - fleece (or any other if the fleece seems to you too warm): blue - 50x100 cm, blue 30x60 cm;

- Buttons (for peephole);

- Threads (blue and white);

- Holofiber.

At first I drew a sketch of Dolphin. So our pillow will look like chipped out:


I cut and scanned patterns so that they turn out in A4 format.

Toy pillow

Beach 2017.

Master Class


We fold the material twice, the front side inside. And we carry the drawing on the material. I took chalk, as the fleece dark blue


We sew a Dolphin Road Pillow

The upper part of the dolphin is made dark blue, and the bottom gray.

We sew a Dolphin Road Pillow

We sew fins and tail. And the body of the dolphin is sewn through the upper edge the upper part (leaving a place for the insertion of the top fin), and at the bottom edge of the lower part.

We sew a Dolphin Road Pillow

We sew a Dolphin Road Pillow

We sew fins, and also sew the bottom of the body pillows and upper. And we turn on the front side, leaving the tail part is not completely stitched (for more convenient filling).

We sew a Dolphin Road Pillow

Fill the pillow with a hollowberry.

We sew a Dolphin Road Pillow

For more convenient sewing of the remaining part of the tail, we challenge the seam with needles. And also sew the tail fin.

We sew a Dolphin Road Pillow

We drag a little dolphin nose.

We sew a Dolphin Road Pillow

Weching your eyes with needles.

We sew a Dolphin Road Pillow

Send eyes-butchers, while pulling away.

We sew a Dolphin Road Pillow

Our Dolphin Road Pillow is ready.

We sew a Dolphin Road Pillow

You can go to the sea!

We sew a Dolphin Road Pillow


Many thanks, my dear, for your attention to my master class!

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