Fake plastic rice for sale all over the world, how to determine it?



Fake plastic rice for sale all over the world, how to determine it?

Fig, which you buy may not be real. Recently, research in Asia has found that there is a mass production of fake rice, which is made of plastic.

Plastic rice was first discovered in China, and then in Vietnam and India. Today, this type of rice is also sold in Europe and Indonesia.


Plastic rice cannot be recognized, as it looks like the same as the real one.

According to some newspapers, plastic rice is made of synthetic resins and potatoes. In other reports it is argued that this rice also contains some toxic chemicals.

Plastic rice should be avoided because it can cause some serious damage to the digestive system.


Many markets around the world sell this rice, as they cannot determine whether it is a real or fake. However, in some countries, such as Malaysia, large markets are under great control, and they do not sell fake.

How to avoid the use of fake rice?

Even if you cannot avoid buying fake rice, you can avoid its use. To determine whether the rice is real or fake, you must boil it.

Before boiling, the real and fake rice have an identical shape. However, after boiling, the fake rice saves the same form as before, while the form of real changes.

In addition, you can try to burn a handful of rice. If the rice is fake, you will feel the smell of plastic

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