How to read knitting schemes - these designations are quickly remembered even after the first past pattern


Description of patterns for knitting with knitting words is not always convenient. Especially if these are complex patterns, the description of which will be a large amount of text.

It is much easier to read such patterns using schemes and symbols when each loop is assigned to your sign. For example, facial loops can be denoted + or /, invalid. or - and so on.

How to read knitting schemes ... These designations are quickly remembered even after the first tied pattern!

These values ​​are easily and quickly remembered so that already after the first pregnant report you can not even look into the scheme.

How to read knitting schemes

We read this right to left and below to the top. That is, exactly as we keep the canvas when knit.

All facial rows are no even knit as indicated in the scheme. Pouring - even rods knit in the drawing that we see. When the front loops are marked in the face, then in the involvement, these loops need to be tied with irons. And, on the contrary, invalid - facial.

Sometimes in complex patterns in the schemes are prescribed and invalid rows. In this case, you need to knit exactly according to the scheme.

The scheme always gives the number of loops of the report. The report is part of the pattern consisting of a loop group that is repeated in the pattern a certain number of times. The report on the diagram may be denoted by arrows or stand out by the frame.

How to read knitting schemes ... These designations are quickly remembered even after the first tied pattern!

How to read knitting schemes ... These designations are quickly remembered even after the first tied pattern!

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