Crafts from beer cans do it yourself


Figures from beer cans

Empty tin cans from beer and different drinks can be the starting material to create a variety of crafts. Some crafts from beer cans are purely decorative, others can be a useful accessory for home and garden. See 5 ways to make interesting crafts from tin cans with your own hands!

Basket lamp

Tin cans from beer and lemonade can be turned into openwork plaffones for the lamp. For this, a discovery, scissors or a stationery knife must be cut off the upper part. Then outline the pattern of the pattern and make holes using nails of different diameters, screwdrivers and other acute items that will leave curly holes. So at the same time the bank does not remember - inside the paper can be very tightly. If desired, the jar can be painted both outside and inside. It remains only to attach the cartridge with a light bulb - and the original lamp of beer cans is ready.

Aluminum cans lamp
Basket lamp
Lamp - crafts from beer cans

The second option to create crafts from beer cans in the form of a desk lamp is to use for lampshar only tongues from aluminum cans, and the bank itself will serve as a feet of the lamp. To connect the tongues to one canvas, make a cut on each tongue from above, twist them between themselves and generate the cut pliers. Also, you can use a thin wire or thread.

Lamp - crafts from beer cans

Garden furniture - crafts from beer cans

Unusual, but quite functional use of aluminum cans from under beverages. Of these, you can make garden furniture - armchair and table. You can connect jars with a glue with a glue, and so that under the weight of the beer banks, the beer banks are not blocked, they can be pre-filled with sand.

Chair - crafts from beer cans
Garden furniture from beer cans

Alcohol burner made of tin cans

The tourist community becomes quite popular to use a hiking alcohol instead of a gas burner. In addition, the weight of the alcohol burner is very small - about 10 grams! Alcohol make their own hands from beer cans.

alcohol burner do it yourself
Alcohol burner made of beer cans

Detailed master class with photographs and tips of the experienced tourist read here.

House from tin cans

The house lined with tin cans is in Houston, Texas. Recently, he was officially recognized as a local attraction of the city, and not surprisingly. For construction, cladding and decoration of the house, more than 50 thousand aluminum cans from beer and lemonade were used! And this is not counting those that had to be replaced with new ones. The house was built by John Milkovich, born in the times of the Great Depression and therefore he knew how to save and not throw away anything. In the 1970s, when aluminum became common and fashionable material, John began finishing the house with the collected beer banks. In the mid-80s, Milkovich died, but the wife and sons continued his work, updating the facing. By the way, the banks are also made of fence, household extensions, mailbox and even a dog booth! In the 2000s, the house bought a charitable organization, completely renovated him and opened it for the general public.

Basket House
House from tin cans
Aluminum can
John Milkovich - the creator of the house of beer cans

Candlestick - lantern from beer can

In order to make such a craft - a garden lantern from the beer can, make an even cuts on the bank with a stationery knife every 3-4 cm. For convenience, you can use a ruler. Then carefully press the jar from above to get such a flashlight. If you wish, you can paint the candlestick spray-paint.

Candlestick lantern from beer can

Decorative crafts from beer cans

It is necessary to warn it right away that crafts from tin cans need to be done very carefully and preferably in the housewaste knitted gloves until you get used to working with sharp as a razor edges. Therefore, young children are not recommended for work.

Volumetric stars from aluminum cans

Such crafts from beer cans as an asterisk will become an original children's room or a New Year tree. A detailed master class can be viewed here.

beer jar asterisk
Beer jackets

Butterflies from beer cans and other figures

Cut the jar, cut the bottom and top to get a flat plate. Cut the image of the butterfly, birds, flower or other figures from the paper, redraw it on a tin plate and pinched in the nodal points. Cut on the lines of the butterfly. Press the figure slightly with a handle, screwdriver or pliers. Sell ​​light contours where necessary, round the edges, bend the wings and so on. Coloring butterflies. To do this, you can use the paint in the canister or markers.

Butterflies from beer cans

Butterflies from beer cans

Crafts from beer cans - Butterflies

Crafts from beer cans - birds

Flowers from beer cans
Aluminum cans flowers

Sculptures and other crafts from beer cans

Machine from aluminum cans
Machine of beer cans
Figures from beer cans
Figures from beer cans 00
sculptures of beer cans

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