What is the speed of home the Internet you really need


What is the speed of home Internet need you really

How many megabits per second required for video, games and other content.

In Russia, very good and, not less important, affordable home Internet. Seriously! In the villages and a completely deep province of business, of course, worse, but take any, even a small town in the European part of the country and see the rates. For 300-400 rubles per month, the Internet can be held in an apartment at a speed of 25-50 megabits per second, and for some promotion and all 100 megabits.

For comparison: in "Civilized" countries, the quick Internet (and home and mobile) costs much more expensive. And still there still lives the concept of "monthly data limit". We only have such a cellular operators.

However, cheapness is not a reason to pay for what you do not use. Even hundreds of saved rubles warms the wallet, and therefore the tariff for the home Internet should be chosen based on the actual needs in speed. Let's figure out how much megabit is required per second in various situations, and begin with basic concepts.

Megabits, Megabytes and Real Speeds

Data size is made to measure in bytes. For example, the HD film weighs from 700 megabytes (Megov) to 1.4 gigabytes (giga), and Full HD is from 4 to 14 gigabytes.

The data transfer rate is received in the bits (not bytes!) Per second, and sometimes it causes misunderstanding.

Byte ≠ bit.

1 byte = 8 bits.

1 megabyte = 8 megabit.

1 megabyte per second = 8 megabits per second.

If the user does not distinguish bytes and bits, it can easily be confused or adopted for the same thing. In this case, it will calculate the approximate time of downloading the HD film via torrent something like this:

  1. The film weighs 1,400 "Megov".
  2. Internet speed 30 "Megov" per second.
  3. The film is downloaded for 1,400 / 30 = 46..6 seconds.

In fact, the speed of the Internet is 30 megabits per second = 3.75 megabytes per second. Accordingly, 1,400 megabytes should be divided by 30, but by 3.75. In this case, the download time will be 1 400 / 3.75 = 373 seconds.

In practice, the speed will be even lower, because Internet providers indicate the speed "to", that is, the maximum possible, and not working. In addition, there is interference, especially when transmitted by Wi-Fi, network load, as well as limitations and features of user equipment and service provider equipment. You can check your speed with the help of special services, and increase it - with the help of these tips.

Often the neck becomes the resource from which you swing something. For example, the speed of your Internet is 100 megabits per second, and the site gives data at a speed of 10 megabits per second. In this case, the download will occur at a speed of no more than 10 megabits per second, and nothing to do with it.

What speed of the Internet is really needed

Kind of activity Recommended speed (with a reserve), megabit per second
Browing, Mail, Socials (without video and big pictures) 2.
Online Games 2.
Video conferencing 3.
SD video (360p, 480p) 3.
HD video (720p) five
Full-HD video (1 080p) eight
2K video (1 440p) 10
4K video (2 160p) 25 and above

Obviously, the table given above requires clarification.

Questions and answers

What if the Internet is used immediately on two or more devices?

Suppose you are watching Full HD streaming video on a smart TV, my wife behind a laptop with HD-screen surf by YouTube, and a child looks from a smartphone or tablet, too in HD quality. Does this mean that the numbers from the table need to sum up?

Yes, quite right. In this case, you will need about 20 megabits per second.

Why do different sites provide different speed requirements to view the video of the same permission?

There is such a concept as a bit rate - the amount of information that the image is encoded per unit of time, and, accordingly, the conditional indicator of the quality of the picture and sound is encoded. The higher the bit rate, the usually better image. That is why on torrents you can find versions of the same film with the same resolution, but of different sizes.

In addition, there are superfluous video with a frequency of 60 frames per second. They weigh more and require a more high-speed Internet.

Is it true that online games are so undemanding to the speed of the Internet?

Yes, most toys like CS, DOTA 2, WOT, WOW and even GTA 5 more than just just one megabita per second for a multiplayer, but in this case the ping becomes the time for which the signal comes from you to the game server and back. The smaller the ping, the less the delay in the game.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to know in advance even the approximate ping in a particular game through a specific provider, as its value is inconvenient and depends on many factors.

Why during video calls a picture and sound from interlocutors to me is normal, and from me to them - no?

In this case, it becomes important not only incoming, but also the outgoing Internet speed. Often, providers do not indicate outgoing speed in the tariff, but you can check it yourself using the same SpeedTest.net.

To broadcast through a webcam, there is enough outgoing velocity 1 megabit per second. In the case of HD cameras (and even more, Full HD), the requirements for outgoing speed increase.

Why does Internet providers in tariffs begin from 20-30 and more megabits per second?

Because the higher the speed, the more money you can take with you. Providers could preserve tariffs "from the past" at a speed of 2-10 megabits per second and reduce their cost up to 50-100 rubles, but why? It is much more profitable to increase the minimum speeds and prices.

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