Russian Robinson: Stunning Real History of 1847


Russian Robinson: Stunning Real History of 1847

In 1847, a 24-year-old daring capital ruling, an offacarious nobleman, a retired Gusar Sergey Lisitsyn stepped on the deck of the ship under the Andreev flag, seeking to get to America. He was accepted in an officer's cabin-company friendly, but in a drunken form he spent keenship of the ship's commander and began to sweep the sailors at the rebellion. The captain ordered twist the instigator, tie his eyes and land on a deserted shore, with a note ...

When the arrestant was freed from Put and threw a bandage from the eyes, he saw a outgoing ship on the horizon. The noble captain left him a suitcase with clothes, three pairs of boots, Tulup (Okhotsk Sea - not a tropical ocean), a couple of pistols, a checker, dagger, a stock of sugar and tea, gold pocket watches, folding knife, powder superstars, two flasks with vodka, clean Notebooks, razor device, lightweight, stock of matches and even 200 Havana cigars.

To all this, an excellent rifle with 26 charges and note of the commander of the ship were attached: "Saverny Sergey Petrovich! According to the maritime statute you should be condemned to death. But for the sake of your youth and your wonderful talents, and the main thing that I will give life to you ... I wish you peacefulness, so that the privacy and need corrected your unfortunate character. The time and reflections will teach you to appreciate my indulgence, and if the destiny ever breaks us Again, what I sincerely wish, we will not meet enemies. A. M. ".

The nobleman of Lisitsyn Srod did nothing with her own hands: in the estate it was served by the fortress, the shelf opened a bunch. Knowing that the ship went through the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, he hoped that he was left on one of the bulls of the land of the ridge of the Aleutian or Kuril Islands. But soon made sure that his position was worse. He was clamped with fate in ticks of the two seas. In front of him, the cold Okhotsk Sea splashed, and behind his back was noisy than the dormant "Green Sea Taiga". And in it - bears, wolves, lynx, poisonous snakes ...

For the week, "Russian Robinson" arranged a house with a stove, smaster furniture. Made the right, onions and arrows (prudent deciding to take care of the cartridges to the gun). And right - in winter, the hungry wolf flip in his house - killed 8 predators from the gun. And before that he shot the bear, ensuring herself with a warm fur coat and the reserve of the bearish. I caught fish, collected and dried mushrooms.

On April 12, Sergey Lisitsyn walked along the shore, appreciating the consequences of spring storms, and saw a man lying. Without strength and feelings. It turned out that Vasily, so called unfortunate, - from the transport that went to Russian America. The ship gave stream, everyone escaped from him, and they forgot him with his son. The ship found not far away. In addition to the 16-year-old boy, there were two shepherds, cats, 8 holmogorsk cows, bull, 16 oxen, 26 sheep, product reserves, tools, barley seeds and rye, and more weapons, telescope, two pickle pipes, samovar, construction and garden tool.

Seven months of loneliness completely weathered from the "Barin" all the noble surge. With such a farm and with two pairs of strong and skillful hands, they not only updated the house and the bath for the summer, but also learned how to make oil, sour cream, cheese and cottage cheese. The field was plowed and harvesting barley and rye. Organized abundant fishing and river fish. The collection and processing of mushrooms, berries and forest herbs began. In a word, healed the labor commune.

.... In 1857, the writer Alexander Sibiryakov met with the hospitable master of copper and gold deposits in the Amurourie Sergey Lisitsyna. The deposits of copper ore and gold that once found, being alone. He was appointed by the government also by the management of these lands. Vasily "Friday" was with him. His son studied at Moscow University.

And in St. Petersburg University, at the expense of Lisitsyn, both sons of the commander of the ship, who once landed the troubled shore at the deserted coast. Becoming a rich man, Sergey Lisitsyn found an old man, spent it on the last journey and took over all the concerns about his children.

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