How many foods are stored from the New Year's table?


Pictures on request Remains Sweets: How many products are stored from the New Year's table?

Cooking for the table - traditional New Year's ritual. Moreover, it seems that, the more on the table, the richer and the most color will be the most color. The last day of the year, caring hostesses only make that they fry, extinguish and baked. As a result, the table is becoming a table with such a number of dishes that all guests will not even be able to drain these reserves per night if desired.

Therefore, the remains of the feast are slowly merged in the new year, forcing the stomach to cope with the whole mountain of food, the shelf life of which, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired.

In order not to syntify your own stomach, but at the same time enjoy all the New Year's tastes, the "world" learned that and when you can eat from a festive table

By product types

Fresh greenery: It is best to store in a unwashed form in plastic dishes or wrapped into a wet paper towel. It is important to remember that its taste and aroma greens save for several days, so buying them right in front of the celebration itself. Parsley and dill are better to store no more than three days, fresh basil - no longer than four days, and Kinzu is no more than a week.

Mushrooms: This gentle and very demanding product can be stored exclusively in the packaged form in the refrigerator. In almost any kind of mushrooms, it is pre-wrapped in a paper towel and remove into a plastic container. So they will retain their freshness for five to six days.

How many foods are stored from the New Year's table?

Eggs: Fresh eggs are stored only in the refrigerator and only in a special compartment - so their interaction with other products will be minimized. The fact is that chicken, quail and other types of eggs quickly absorb smells, especially garlic and bows. The optimal term for the use of fresh eggs is a week, despite the fact that they can save their freshness up to three to four weeks. As for the eggs boiled, their life in the refrigerator lasts only five to six days.

Cheese: All types of cheeses from soft and creamy to solid and sharp have their shelf life. The only common rule for all varieties is to store them on the bottom and the coolest shelf of the refrigerator. At the same time, such gentle species, like brie or mozzarella, tightly wrapped in polyethylene, can remain fresh just a week. Spelled cheeses like Cheddar or Gaud - about two to three weeks, and the most capricious - Gorgonzola or Roquefort is not more than five to six days.

Fish and seafood: the best way to keep the freshness of these products is to use them fresh, not leaving in the refrigerator. However, if you can not afford this luxury, it is necessary to take into account that the life of gentle fish and seafood in the refrigerator is only two days. At the same time, fresh mussels can not be stored for more than 24 hours, shrimps and scallops - no more than 48 hours, and oysters and boiled shrimps can remain fresh up to three days.

Sprots and other canned food: stored such things in an open form no more than a day, given that they are in pure glassware, and not in factory core cans. The last is convenient for transportation and storage in warehouses, but not in the house. Ideally store these things in the closed shelves of the refrigerator - then you can give out for canned for a few more hours of "life."

On dishes

Mayonnaise salads - no more than 12 hours

This capricious and essential New Year's table dish is the most difficult for storage. "Olivier", "meat" and "crab" - almost perfect media for the reproduction of microorganisms. Mayonnaise in a mixture with all salad ingredients only catalyzes the reproduction of harmful bacteria in the dish. In order to somehow extend the freshness of salad, each of the ingredients should be kept separately from each other, and refueling immediately before the feed.

An exception may not serve as puff salads "Herring under a fur coat" and "Mimosa", which should stand in the finished form for several hours to saturate the taste. They need to eat them first, not leaving for the first, second and third numbers. Another important factor for freshness of salad is sterility during its preparation: it is difficult to achieve it at home, of course, however, it is difficult to observe the elementary rules of hygiene and thoroughly wash products is not at all difficult even during the pre-New Year bush.

Meat, sausage, fish cutting - up to 60 hours

This storage period only applies to those cuts that are stored in a packaged form in the refrigerator. The open plates with sausage, cheese, or beef tongue, which spent on the New Year's table all night, should be achieved until the morning of the first day. Otherwise, they will become an ideal reproduction platform. All the same bacteria leading to food poisoning. They should be stored in clean dishes under polyethylene - even better in plastic dishes with a hermetic lid.

Filty fish and keet - no more than 24 hours

The basis of all filth snacks is broth with gelatin or gluten, obtained from pork legs. It is they who force a dish to frozen to the desired consistency. At the same time, the bay broth itself retains its fresh look and taste during the day, after which the product begins to deteriorate due to the reproduction of harmful bacteria. For this reason, cook the kelid in a five-liter saucepan for two people is not worth it - it is best to prepare this dish portion, and stored in a closed form on one of the lower shelves of the refrigerator.

Baked meat, geese, chickens - up to 42 hours

Any meat is hotterly "live" a little at least two days. Even with proper storage in the refrigerator in a closed dish, it is not worth using it in the evening. Ideal before serving send a dish in a hot oven or on a hot frying pan. After such heat treatment, it is soaked with its own juice without losing the taste.

Desserts and cakes - from day to three

The life of New Year's sweets is entirely dependent on whom and when they were cooked. Various industrial desserts inevitably contain preservatives, so harmful to health, but useful for the shelf life. For this reason, purchased cakes remain delicious and fresh for three days of storage in the refrigerator. Homemade natural baking boasts such results can not. Its shelf life does not exceed 24 hours, considering that they are stored during this time in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

With all the scattering of classical and exotic New Year's dishes, the overall picture of all tables is almost the same: salads, sausage, cheese and meat cuts, hot dishes and desserts. In order to visually see what and when you need to eat from this list, we have compiled a common menu for the time of possible use.

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