Delicious Mini Patties from Lavash are preparing in a blink of an eye!


Sigara Börek is a national Turkish dish, which is served at home for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the form of these delicious tubes similar to Cuban cigars - hence the name!

Turkish tubes cigar boake

Traditional crispy tubes are prepared from the thinnest dough Filo. Buying ready - absolutely wasteful, and cook and pull it yourself - the process of time consuming.

Dough Philo

We suggest cooking this hot snack using a subtle pita. Faster you will not come up!

Cigar Bechere from Lavash


  • - 4 thin pita
  • - 150 g of cheese (you can cottage cheese)
  • - 1 egg- dill
  • - black pepper
  • - Salt (if necessary)
  • - vegetable oil for frying


Cut the pawwash sheets on triangles.

Dill shallowly cut and mix with cheese or cottage cheese, pepper. Separate yolks from the protein and add yolk to the filling. Stir everything carefully. If you use cottage cheese, salt.

Stuffing for Lavash

At the widespread edge of the lavash, lay out the filling and turn it with a tube. So that the pies are not spinning, lubricate the tip in the remaining egg protein.

Snack from Lavash

Fry the products in a sufficient number of well-heated oil, then lay out on the napkin in order to remove its excess.

It turns out a whole mountain of delicious crispy tubes! By the way, such tubes can be prefaced more and the part to freeze for later: if the guests unexpectedly fall, you will be how to treat them.

A source

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