What herbs can not put in tea


What herbs can not put in tea

Herbal tea is useful for health, pleasant to taste and is usually inexpensive. Therefore, this drink is very popular with Russians. Often the collection of herbs for tea people are engaged independently. Meanwhile, some familiar plants are still not worth using for welding, if there is no extreme necessity in this or they are not recommended by a phytotherapist.


This famous plant is part of almost any herbal tea and there are causes. Mint leaves are fragrant, they have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. But at the same time, the frequent use of tea with mint can cause damage to the body. Scientists have long defined that the leaves of peppermint affect the strengthening of the cuts of the uterus and increase its tone, and this very much prevents the child's conception. Mint also lowers pressure, and in no way normalizes it, therefore, with ordinary or reduced arterial pressure, tea will cause dizziness, nausea and weakness.

And the peppermint enhances appetite. Those who are watching their figure are not at all adding it to drinks.


This grass is often brewed in coldic diseases, the decoction on it is successfully treated with gastritis, colitis, helps with meteorism, heartburn and reduced stomach acidity. But every day you do not stand in tea every day. He will cause allergies to the skin will appear irritation, resembling a gloomy.

The tincture of this plant increases blood pressure, and in men after its use, temporary sexual dysfunction occurs. But the main danger of tea from the Hypericum is that it instantly dismisses all chemical elements and connections from the body. But this may be medicines necessary for health. In addition, such a drink is not the most pleasant taste.


Cleanpole juice is used not only externally, but also brewed for drinking, which helps well with hyamorite, arthritis, rheumatism and colds. The decoction of the plant has a cleansing effect in diseases of the liver, biliary tract and gall-eyed disease. However, regular use of cleanliness inside leads to a decrease in blood pressure, to irritating and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, which is manifested in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, and in the case of existing hemorrhoids, there has been provoking intestinal bleeding.

Eating tea with a purestulus even within a few days can cause alkaloid poisoning in the body, fraught with loss of consciousness and and the appearance of hallucinations. This grass is preferably brewed in tea only on the recommendation of the doctor and strictly taking into account the dosage established by it.

That brewed as tea in Russia

In Russia, before the appearance of tea from China, they insisted their own, local plants and their very much. The most popular grass in this sense was the Ivan tea. It was dirty in the evening, especially for removing tension and fatigue, juice of the plant has analgesic properties and removes the head, dental pain, and even lactating mothers it stimulates the production of milk and enriches it with vitamins. In addition, since ancient times, Ivan Tea is considered useful for "male health."

Every spring in early May, Russian women were collected in the forests of the linden inflorescence and then dried. In the autumn-winter cold, this collection was brewed and drank to warm up and not get sick after heavy work in the open air in the rain, snow and drooping, windy weather.

For those who have already bothered people in Russia, tea was brewed with Melissa, they were called the mint or a pensioner, because it is a honey grass for bees. Tea consumption with Melissa removes all bronchial, asthmatic manifestations and inflammation, as well as headache, soothes and normalizes sleep. Western Slavs Icestari brewed Melissa with Mayran and drank such tea to improve memory.

For Russian men who engaged in severe physical labor - soldiers, peasants, burglars and dies the most common drink was a decoction of chaga. These growths on the birch cut off, dried, crushed and brewed. Black, thick tea from the chaga gives strength, prevents inflammation and even prevents the occurrence of tumors, which is already scientifically proven. All these gifts of nature as teas can be used today to support their health.

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