How to make candles burn twicear longer: 3 tricks, which are silent manufacturer


So that the candles burned the whole New Year's Eve and even longer.

So that the candles burned the whole New Year's Eve and even longer.

Candles are the same unchanged participant of New Year's Eve as Garland, Olivier and the hundredth viewing "Irony of Fate ...". That's just really beautiful festive copies can "tighten" for so much that it is even sorry to burn. But the manufacturers of wax accessories hide one trick, thanks to which the candles will be sunk longer. And this is at least!

Candles are different.

Candles are different.

Candles in the house create a special festive comfort and mood. But all the good ever ends. In this case, well, very quickly. To prolong the candles of life twice, or even more, use three little tricks.

Cunning number 1: Cold - Fire Comrade

Candle and refrigerator - the right company.

Candle and refrigerator - the right company.

First, before burning candles, be sure to put them in the freezer. At least for an hour and a half. The frozen wax seal and will burn much longer. Already, this trick increases the life of the candle almost twice. Especially if you freeze it before each application.

Cunning number 2: Cut the phytille

Not longer than 1 centimeter!

Not longer than 1 centimeter!

It turns out the longer the wick, the faster the candle burns. Here is such a paradox. And therefore, all lovers of high-quality candles know the golden rule: the wick should rise above the wax no more than 1 cm. Huckle is superfluous without constricted. Use manicure scissors - so more convenient.

Cunning number 3: Give time!

Let the wax layer melt evenly.

Let the wax layer melt evenly.

Another paradox: so that the candle serve more, let it burn longer. At least for the first time. And all because the upper wax layer should melt evenly. If this does not happen, the "tunnel" is formed in the middle, wickstone and the candle will quickly lose a presentable view. Do not know how much time to give a candle on the first burning? It will be necessary to exercise in mathematics: in 1 hour, approximately 4 cm from the diameter burns. So the candle with a diameter of 8 cm should not be extinguished at least 2 hours, 12 cm - 3 hours and further by the same formula.

With these uncomplicated tips, the candles will ruin the whole New Year's Eve and will remain.

With these uncomplicated tips, the candles will ruin the whole New Year's Eve and will remain.

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