Storage in the kitchen: 20 useful ideas that will be suitable for everyone


Storage in the kitchen: 20 cool ideas that will be suitable for everyone.

Storage in the kitchen: 20 cool ideas that will be suitable for everyone.

Storage systems never happen much, especially in the kitchen. Where to hide the pan, how to store vegetables, and how to achieve visual order in the zone of culinary experiments? We share useful ideas!

Storage of vegetables

Many mistaken and ignorance stored vegetables in the refrigerator or on the balcony, and then they think why potatoes quickly germinate, the carrots dry out, and the bow rotes. And all before the banal simply! Vegetables, as other foods require the right storage conditions. How to provide them in a small kitchen?

The easiest way out is to equip several kitchen boxes specifically under the storage of vegetables. Pick up the size of the furniture baskets or containers (now in household and dishwashes of their great variety). An alternative option will be braided baskets from the vine, in them vegetables and fruits retain freshness longer, beautiful appearance and good taste properties.

With proper storage, potatoes can fly from 2 weeks to 2-3 months (in no case cannot be stored in the refrigerator), carrots will continue for 3 weeks, the onions can be stored in this way up to 3-4 weeks.

Remember that the place where vegetables are stored must be well ventilated and located away from the stove, ovens and heating radiators .Ideal - in the storeroom or built-in kitchen penalty.

Storage of vegetables and fruits in the kitchen.

Storage of vegetables and fruits in the kitchen.

An example of how to store vegetables in the kitchen.

An example of how to store vegetables in the kitchen.

Storage of vegetables in wicker baskets.

Storage of vegetables in wicker baskets.

Storage of bulk products

Often the culprits of disorder in the kitchen cabinets are boxes and bags with croups. First, they occupy a lot of space, and secondly, the space is raised simply. To correct the situation, it is enough to suspend cereal, flour and sugar into glass jars or plastic containers.

Very convenient to use vessels with special valves. Through them, midges, mol and moisture do not penetrate into bulk products. Often, such valves are equipped with dispensers, with their help it is easy to pour a barrel from the vessel when cooking.

Storage croup in the kitchen.

Storage croup in the kitchen.

Storage of bulk products.

Storage of bulk products.

Storage cereals in glass jars.

Storage cereals in glass jars.


Store spoons and forks in one heap - not a good idea! Divide all cutlery (it is better to come up for knives at all another place for storage, not next to other objects so that they do not fill up and do not rust). Carefully and stylishly storing storage systems with individual cells, you can buy ready-made options or make plywood partitions yourself in a drawer. It is desirable to store the parchment paper or a soft fabric that will be absorbed by the excess moisture. It is better to lay in the box already dry and dried with a towel of a spoon and forks, since dried water drops on the dishes will look not very attractive.

Storage of cutlery in the kitchen.

Storage of cutlery in the kitchen.

Neat storage of cutlery.

Neat storage of cutlery.

An example of storing wooden spoons and blades.

An example of storing wooden spoons and blades.

An example of how to store spoons and forks.

An example of how to store spoons and forks.

Pans, pans, skewers

A good hostess always has a lot of kitchen utensils, including a saucepan, pan, schillies. By the way, we noticed that many of these items are equipped with a hole at the end of the handle, and not just like that. It is necessary in order to hang hookers, in Europe, this is a fairly common storage option of dishes.

Another question - where to install those hooks? There are several options: on the rails near the working area, on the wall at the slab or sink. You can also hang on the wall decorative metal grid and equip it with hooks. This storage option looks at least the original, and very practical. It allows you to unload kitchen cabinets and instantly bring orders in the kitchen. Plus, during the preparation of a particular dish, it is not long to look for the desired dishes.

Stylish storage of stems in the kitchen.

Stylish storage of stems in the kitchen.

An example of how to store frying pan and skill in the kitchen.

An example of how to store frying pan and skill in the kitchen.

Stylish storage in the kitchen.

Stylish storage in the kitchen.

Walls to help

Not always the sizes of the kitchen allow you to place a full-fledged number of cabinets for storing kitchen utensils. What to do in this case? Do not despair and use the walls! For these purposes, even one small. It can set hooks, rails, narrow shelves, install a plywood board with holes, magnetic holders. Here the pans, skewers, spices, cereals, halves, shovels, snipers and other items of kitchen utensils will be perfectly located.

Storage kitchen utensils on the wall.

Storage kitchen utensils on the wall.

Convenient storage system in the kitchen.

Convenient storage system in the kitchen.

Stylish storage saucepan in the kitchen.

Stylish storage saucepan in the kitchen.

On the kitchen island or locker

Where else to find a storage space? For example, on the lower kitchen cabinet or on the kitchen island, if any. This option is suitable for those who do not want for some reason to install rails on the walls or needs additional storage places.

Storage at the kitchen cabinet.

Storage at the kitchen cabinet.

Order in small things

The order is detached of the smallest things, do not miss sight of them. Fold the plastic one to another, determine the place for plastic containers (and covers from them!). Keep confectionery supplies in one place, highlight a separate locker or shelf for them. A braided box is perfectly suitable for storage for baking. It is worth identifying a place for each subject and order itself settled in your kitchen.

Storage of plastic containers in the kitchen.

Storage of plastic containers in the kitchen.

Storage for baking forms.

Storage for baking forms.

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