This is the most important female vitamin! Never admit it shortage!


This is the most important female vitamin! Never admit it shortage!

Better than the rest of the vitamins restores the immune system, supports the work of the heart and blood vessels. Stimulates the activities of all organs, especially the skin, and also contributes to the normal growth of hair.

This is the most important female vitamin! Never admit it shortage!

Folic acid in a complex with vitamins B6 and B12 Reduces the risk of developing eye diseases by 30%.

Folic acid Provides skin healthy color. And together with pantothenic and para-aminbenzoic acids, long time protects hair from laying.

This vitamin is especially recommended during pregnancy. Daily dose of folic acid during pregnancy - 400 mg.

The results of perennial tests have shown that the long-term intake of vitamin B9 (folic acid) allows not only to get rid of many complications during pregnancy and childbirth, but also incredibly useful for female health until the onset of menopause.

So, scientists found out that the use of folic acid Helps to avoid the emergence of problems with the spine in the kid A, promotes the proper formation of the nervous system of the fetus. In addition, this vitamin is irreplaceable in the treatment of postpartum depression, so it is rightfully considered the main female vitamin.

In women, the lack of folic acid can lead to the absence of a normal reaction of reproductive organs on estrogen.

In adolescence folic acid Corrects the sexual ripening of the girl, helps with acne.

But this vitamin and men are needed. Folic acid works in one sled with testosterone, contributing to the ripening of sperm. In order for the young men the normal sexual characteristics of the vote, beard and an increase in prostate for the production of seed, it needs a sufficient amount of folic acid.

Basic sources of folic acid

Bean, salad, spinach, cabbage, green onions, green peas, beans, soybean, beets, carrots, tomatoes, coarse grinding and bakery products from this flour, buckwheat and oatmeal, millet, yeast.

From animal products of origin rich in folic acid Liver, kidney, cottage cheese, cheese, caviar, egg yolk.

However, it is necessary to eat a huge amount of products every day to fill the content of this vitamin in the body. Therefore, it is advisable to take it in tablets, especially given its low price.

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