Little Huge Power Berry: 8 Useful Cranberry Qualities


Little Huge Power Berry: 8 Useful Cranberry Qualities

Therapeutic properties of cranberries are known from time immemorial. Some even call this sour bitter berry "Northern Lemon", because it consists of 20% from vitamin C, as well as rich in hard and citric acid.

Cranberries is a vitamin complex, and an indispensable food product, and a medicine against a variety of diseases. It is rich in a mass of nutrients and elements, including: calcium, manganese, iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus and many others. Some doctors even a joke claim that it is easier to list the disease with which Cranberries cannot cope.

Today we will tell you about 8 basic advantages of cranberries for your health.

1. Improves digestion

Regular use of cranberries is considered to be effective prevention of peptic ulcer. Fresh juice from this berry contains components that contribute to the neutralization of common bacteria, such as Helicobacter pylori and E. coli, which can provoke inflammation of the stomach, as well as thin and large intestines. In addition, the cranberry increases appetite and enhances the production of gastric juice, and pectins that are rich in a berry normalize the microflora and protect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Strengthens the cardiovascular system

Studies have shown that fresh cranberries and cranberry juice contribute to the decrease in cholesterol, and also prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. Comic and oleanolic acids, which are rich in a berry, in turn expand the coronary heart vessels and nourish the heart muscle.

3. Strengthens the urinary system

Cranberry protects the urinary system from infections, and also prevents breeding into bacteria cells and prevents the formation of stones in the bladder. This berry has a diuretic and bactericidal effect, due to which it is useful for pyelonephritis and inflammation of the urogenital system.

4. Provides anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects

Little Huge Power Berry: 8 Useful Cranberry Qualities

Cranberry juice is perfectly fighting with inflammation of adhesion, as well as effective in the treatment of periodontalism. In addition, this berry is rich in antioxidants and contributes to the purification of the body from pathogenic microbes, slags and salts of heavy metals. Cranberry juice prevents the formation of glaucoma and adversely affects the causative agents of staphylococcus and cholera.

5. Effective with colds

Cranberries are recommended for the prevention and treatment of angina, cough, colds, as well as sharp respiratory diseases. The berry contributes to the rapid decrease in temperature and helps to activate the body's protective resources to combat microbes and infections.

6. Provides a healing effect

Cranberry juice is known for its bactericidal and disinfecting properties. It is effectively fighting with ulcers of the oral cavity, perfectly cleans the wounds and burns and contributes to the acceleration of their healing. Cranberry juice is often prescribed by postoperative patients to improve seam healing.

7. Improves skin condition

Little Huge Power Berry: 8 Useful Cranberry Qualities

The useful properties of cranberries are widely used in cosmetology. This berry prevents the appearance of acne rashes and acne, reduces the fat brilliance, contributes to the narrowing of the pores, and also effectively fights pigment stains and freckles. In addition, the cranberries will help to get rid of natopaths and uluses.

8. Strengthens immunity

Fresh cranberries, cranberry juice and jam from this berry are especially useful in the autumn-winter period. They are considered an excellent tool to increase immunity and avitaminosis prevent. The composition of cranberries provides the body with all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other substances that are necessary for the proper functioning of certain organs and systems.

As you can see, this little berry really has many useful qualities and properties, which makes it literally an indispensable component of the diet during the cold season, when our body turns out to be the most vulnerable to various bacteria and infections.

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