10 secrets of loss, which scientists know, but will never tell nutritionists. When it is unprofitable ...


10 secrets of loss, which scientists know, but will never tell nutritionists. When it is unprofitable ...

Greens will not help. At least lose weight. But it will help meat, cheese and cream.

The use of fats in large quantities than carbohydrates is a real key to slimming, approves a new star of the world of nutrition grant Peterson, author of bestseller "Eat Bacon, Don't Jog".

For many years in a row, Peterson tried to lose weight in the usual way: he refused fat and spent every day at an hour of time for training. But I could not lose weight.

After that, the future Guru began to try one new diet after another and came to the conclusion that it was not enough to change the balance of the balance of the balance of consumed and spent calories.

And everything is fault - hormone insulin.

When you consume carbohydrates, it is insulin that is needed to turn them into nutritional glucose. It produces its pancreas.

But insulin has another feature. It forces "extra" calories to be processed into fat. If you change your diet in such a way that the fat in it is more, you can "teach" the body to use it not only as a "stock", but also as "main fuel".

If you eat no more than 50 g of carbohydrate per day (i.e., limit your bread slice or one banana), the body will enter the "Ketoz" state, i.e. will strike the fat for the sake of energy. This idea lies in the center of the slimming system in Peterson.

Here are 10 basic rules of weight loss from the new idiot of men and women who dream of losing weight.

1. Eat fish, meat and avocado.

10 secrets of loss, which scientists know, but will never tell nutritionists. When it is unprofitable ...

In order to speed up the metabolism, it is necessary to balance the ratio in the body of Omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3. As a rule, we have too much first and too few second.

To fix it, you need to add salmon, sardines, herring, anchovies, mollusks, and crabs, shrimps, sea scallops, oysters, etc.

It is worth it, however, remember that it is better not a tuna and a fish sword: in adults of this fish too much mercury.

The right acids are also rich in olives, avocado and nuts. They are in coconut oil.

Fats contained in these products are considered good because they are metabolized differently than other fats. And this is the most effective fuel for the body, heart and brain.

2. Instead of a traditional breakfast, drink a cup of coffee with butter.

10 secrets of loss, which scientists know, but will never tell nutritionists. When it is unprofitable ...

Add in the morning cup of tea or coffee 3-4 tablespoons of cream or coconut oil. This is the perfect breakfast.

If you are not enough for you, add a classic sandwich or three eggs to breakfast.

After you enter the state of "ketosis", you will find that you no longer feel hunger in the morning. And yet it is necessary to have breakfast. Do not train only in the morning sweetness: they will only strengthen your craving for the sugar and make it ease throughout the day.

3. Refuse "Sugar Balls".

10 secrets of loss, which scientists know, but will never tell nutritionists. When it is unprofitable ...

When all ate only seasonal, small and not always sweet fruit, everything was fine. Now, on the shelves, you see not so much agricultural products, how many genetic engineering: huge, hyper-sweet fruits, which seem to grow it is incomprehensible to where, but all year round.

Take, for example, grapes. What is it, if not clustering pure sugar?

Glucose, lactose, sucrose and other sugars are evenly distributed throughout the body, but here "fruit sugar", fructose - go straight to the liver. If she has to recycle huge quantities of fructose, it will not be able to cope with it. Result: Sakharoza is converted into triglycerides (dangerous fats) that fall back to blood.

And these fats are clearly settled on your arteries and hips.

4. Try to post, but with meat.

Everyone knows about the benefits of fasting, even people unbelievers. Logic is usually like this: you stop (almost) there, the level of insulin falls, you feel hungry, but the body is losing weight.

But if your task is to sharply lower the level of insulin in the blood, that is, two ways to better.

First, at the time of the post you can force yourself to have products with a high content of fats and low - carbohydrates. Secondly, you can have nothing for 24 hours at all except fats (cheese, whipped cream, coconut oil, olive oil, fat, eggs, oily meat).

5. Dark bitter vegetables - great food!

10 secrets of loss, which scientists know, but will never tell nutritionists. When it is unprofitable ...

Dark leafy vegetables like cabbage usually few love. But it is completely in vain: this is an excellent source of contributing to weight loss.

Focus on the cabbage, chicory, mangold, spinach, salad, dandelions and mustard. And it will be better if the taste will be "natural", i.e. slightly bitter.

Fitonutrients give bitter vegetables with these green vegetables - excellent and very useful antioxidants.

6. Never eat egg whites, omelets and potatoes.

10 secrets of loss, which scientists know, but will never tell nutritionists. When it is unprofitable ...

Yolk - Here is the best part of the egg. The protein is 50% composed of an egg protein, and 50% from fat, which is needed for development. Most people think that egg yolk is a source of cholesterol that scores our artery, but it is not. The cholesterol contained in the eggs does not score artery, fat here is quite "healthy."

Now about potatoes. No valuable nutrients, except potassium, it does not contain. But it is full of starchy substances that negatively affect human health.

7. Coconut - God weight loss!

10 secrets of loss, which scientists know, but will never tell nutritionists. When it is unprofitable ...

Coconuts - this is from the point of view of utility for the brain "Almost salmon", says Peterson. This is partly because there are almost no carbohydrates in these fruits. And partly because they are fully triglycerides of the average chain length (MCCS). Coconut oil generally consists of 66% of them.

MCT is an excellent energy. When these substances are burned in the body, ketones are formed (alternative to the "fuel elements" of glucose), and this is the most useful type of fats.

That is why regular use of coconuts is also an excellent prevention of obesity, cancer, alzheimer diseases and Parkinson, other neurological diseases.

8. Eat Greek yogurt.

10 secrets of loss, which scientists know, but will never tell nutritionists. When it is unprofitable ...

It should be low with low fat and without sugar. If it is simpler, then it should be sour, and not sweet.

With him you will get a great protein stock and useful carbohydrates. And if you can't eat it without fruit additive, it is better to add there just a little berries.

9. You can drink alcohol.

10 secrets of loss, which scientists know, but will never tell nutritionists. When it is unprofitable ...

The advantage of a low carbon diet is that it allows you to not count calories. Your goal is to limit the flow of carbohydrates into the body.

And this is good news for drinking lovers. The main thing is not to drink beer, because it is just full of carbohydrates. Focus on unsweetened drinks: whiskey, gin, rum, tequila, whiskey, vodka. In each of them - zero carbohydrates. Unless, of course, do not dilute them with gas.

10. Do not run.

10 secrets of loss, which scientists know, but will never tell nutritionists. When it is unprofitable ...

There are studies that suggest that run is actually not the best way to lose weight. More efficiently turn out to be short, but extremely intensive workouts. They force the muscles to "burn" and consume more oxygen.

Good news - in the fact that for a full-fledged daily workout is enough 5-10 minutes. Poor - in the fact that during this time you must have time to post the maximum. At these minutes, try to work at the limit of your capabilities. Give the body the opportunity to "shake up" well.

Remember that your goal is to just lose weight. And for this, short exercises with super-fast load are best suited.

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