Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself


From plastic bottles you can make wonderful things.

Surely, many remember the fun and interesting gear "While all at home", as well as her no less interesting heading "Crazy handles." Leading this heading was very loved to make something incredible from the remedies and very often plastic bottles were played as these funds. That's just it turned out everything is rude and without grace. But photos from this selection will be proven that you can make beautiful things from plastic bottles.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

First of all, most people are trying to make some beautiful baubles from plastic bottles.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

It is not bad for chandeliers and lampshades, if approaching the case with a fantasy.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

And even some working tools.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Protective mask.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Do you remember summer slas from plastic bottles and ropes? That's what you can do if the hands grow out of the right place.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Of course I remember well!

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

But in fact, the potential of plastic bottles is much larger. Here, for example, full-fledged furniture.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Add some items and it is already quite possible to put in the living room of the summer house.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Here in such such, for example.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

However, as it turns out, and the house itself can also be made of these same plastic bottles, having a large stock.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Moreover, if you get seriously, a solid construction will be quite yourself.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Naturally, there are excellent swimming facilities from plastic bottles.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Sun canopy.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

And even a whole suit.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

And what beautiful LCD is obtained from plastic bottles.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

21. The main thing is fantasy.

Crafts from plastic bottles, which would have envied Timur Kizyakov himself

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