Application of stucco material to create lace


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    This video lesson is devoted to the imitation of lace from the stucco material. And we have already familiar master Lola will show how to create this cute decor at this original wicker from the newspaper tube frame for a mirror in the form of an inverted basket. And at the end of this video video, you will learn the method of patinated staining of this decor, simulating the metal surface.

    Cold porcelain, DAS self-sucking clay or homemade prescriptions, can be used as a stucco. If you have not yet known this recipe, then enter the diary in my search engine - a self-impending weight or a self-impending clay - and a lot of "delicious" will open for you :) Yes, even a recently placed recipe can be used for this project:

    Homemade snow-white clay.

    Well, now, enjoy your viewing and inspiration for creativity!

    This method is applicable to many techniques and I hope you will cause craving for creativity and original ideas for the use of stucco material.

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