We use the old wood


What can be made of old wood {top 20}

We use the old wood

We use the old wood

Pictures on request Application of old wood

What can be made of old wood {top 20}

What can be made of old wood {top 20}

What can be made of old wood {top 20}

Recently using solid wood , you can significantly save. Look around, and you will not be able to noticize wood suitable for recycling. However, be prepared to come with your pride and shove the sleeves.

To get the right to reuse this valuable material, you will soon have to ask for any strangers to rummage in places that are difficult to call clean, and a lot to work hard.

What for one garbage, for another - treasure

What for one garbage, for another - treasure

Turn around near the construction site

Do not pass by reconstructed or demolished buildings. If you do not interfere, most likely the materials will be sent straight to the landfill of the construction trash. Find the head of the work or the owner of the building and politely ask for permission to take part of the material. The older the reconstructed or demolished structure, the higher the chances to come across an excellent weathered wood with a small-layer texture.

Valuable finds: Hardwood wood floors, wide grounds, massive doors of residential buildings, wooden beams of administrative buildings.

Avoid: houses built in the last 60-70 years; Standardized building materials that demanded the growth of housing construction, are little suitable for joinery projects.

Old shed - a new life

Old shed - a new life

Golden bottom of old shed

Wooden sheds are another promising wood source for recycling.

Valuable finds: Classic structures with wooden frame with long beams contain a significant amount of wood wood.

Avoid: Woods with signs of defeat by treasurers or termites; These insects can easily spread to your warehouse of sawn timber and around the house.

Fret with merchants

A few minutes spent on the brush of the "yellow pages" will provide you with the coordinates of many companies working with solid solid rocks. From furniture workshops and veneer manufacturers to doors and boat manufacturers - any workshop in which the boards are saw, has production waste.

Valuable finds: the Red tree; This popular material is often used in the production of doors, boats and dear furniture.

Avoid: companies that effectively use resources; Tiny trimming will be able to replenish only your garbage basket.

Shipping cost pays off by the amount of material

Shipping cost pays off by the amount of material

Do not ignore the old furniture

The discharged furniture can be recognized by one of the most undervalued sources of material for carpentry projects. Although the old furniture is not very similar in shape on the boards, it does not mean that it does not have suitable wood. Pay attention to the "garage" sales on which real pearls are found. When trading is nearing an end, instead of trying shoes and shirts, ask whether it is impossible to take the shelves. Even without finding a suitable material, you can purchase cabinets, racks or shelves with compartments for your workshop. Finally, if spring cleaning is held in your city, go hunting early (perhaps even previous in the evening) - mining can be large.

Valuable finds: Wooden countertops, headboard, broken piano and church benches - real treasures for the joiner.

Avoid: Fanroom furniture masking for furniture from the massif.

From the pallets you can make a lot

From the pallets you can make a lot

Omnipresent pallets

You can find pallets (pallets) for the carriage of goods in almost any company where there is a loading platform. However, before reaping the fruits, you will have to pull out a lot of nails and clean the pallets from dirt. Therefore, show the intelligibility; Do not waste time and strength on ordinary pallets of pine boards. Instead, look for wood solid rocks (of course, after you get the resolution of the manual). The most severe or expensive loads are usually supplied on pallets of thick oak board.

Valuable finds: companies engaged in international supply of oversized cargo; The fact that in one country is considered widespread wood, in other countries may be exotic.

Avoid: pallets from companies supplying pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals; Their traces may be a danger to health.

Reduce sizes, open new features

Your wood stocks on the outcome? It means that it is time to reduce the size of its products. Inspect the basket with trimming and make several miniature projects. They will not only serve as a good gift or decorate your home, but will call questions of curious friends. When you tell them about the project, do not forget to include a story about how the material was mined. After that, get ready to record the phone numbers, as anyone will definitely remember the familiar friend who has a garage from unnecessary boards.

Valuable finds: Dating promising visiting various household buildings and rich prey.

Avoid: become the most wooded courage; Set the restriction on the minimum size of cropping and free the workshop from everything that has a smaller size.

How to work with old wood

If only luck really smiled to you, wood that you managed to get, will require a few more work than purchased lumber. We will have to be very attentive to avoid meeting with metal fasteners and mud who stupid the cutting tool. Concentrate on how much you saved, and the time spent on the execution of the six following procedures will fly imperceptibly.

Remove all selected nails and screws from the boards

Remove all selected nails and screws from the boards

1. Do not forget about the metal

Metal - enemy number one for cutters and saws. Remove all selected nails and screws from the boards. To detect hidden metal fasteners, spend some of the saved money on an inexpensive metal detector or universal detector. Circlave the dangerous sections with chalk and when the saw can go around them.

Slip the peeling dirt with a hard brush

Slip the peeling dirt with a hard brush

2. Clear board - happy board

In the list of things that can fasten your tools, dirt should be immediately behind the metal. Slip the peeling dirt with a rigid brush with plastic or brass bristles. Avoid steel brushes, the use of which can lead to the need to re-remove the metal.

Remove the last layer of pollution or old finishing coating

Remove the last layer of pollution or old finishing coating

3. Remove the texture

The last step before the cutting tool touches the tree: remove the last layer of pollution or old finishing coating. There is no time to ceremony. Remove the ribbon grinding with an abrasive ribbon graziness of 80 units and quickly clean the boards. Constantly move the power tools. Ribbon grinders remove the material very quickly and can in one moment create on the surface of a dent.

Screw the ends of each board for several centimeters

Screw the ends of each board for several centimeters

4. Donze the ends, saving the saw blade

Porous end slices collect dirt no worse than the boulevard press. This is especially characteristic of boards extracted from old sheds or moving wolves on earth, for example, pallets. Screw the ends of each board for several centimeters. By this, you will not only alleviate the fate of your cutting tool, but also remove small cracks, which are always on old boards.

Make a straight cut along one of the edges of the board

Make a straight cut along one of the edges of the board

5. Can I handle the boards now?

Yes. It came to cut wood and get suitable material from it. But first remove the road and high-quality saw blade and install cheap or old instead, which is not sorry to fill. Make a straight cut along one of the edges of the board using a saw machine or circular saw with a guide. Turn the board and describe the second edge parallel to the first, removing exactly so much material to remove rot or stains. Before processing old boards on fugoval and raysmouse, also install old knives.

Under the long-term layers of dirt and sand board from the old barn hid a beautiful texture drawing with stimping marble rot

Under the long-term layers of dirt and sand board from the old barn hid a beautiful texture drawing with stimping marble rot

6. Emphasize the story

When you deal with family furniture, its origin is almost as important as structural features. The tree used again adds its history to the history of the subject. Underline it by exposing a deposit. Rough faces, holes from nails, traces of worms and sweat finish - all this can be elements of the design of the finished product.

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