Take the color yarn, the needles and start knitting the squares ... Only one condition is all one size!


Take the color yarn, the needles and start knitting the squares ... Only one condition is all one size!

For more than a year, one of the favorite classes, which leads me to the state of internal harmony and gives positive emotions, has become knitting. Every time I look forward to the weekend, to make it glad to do your favorite view of creativity.

From this classes, one advantages - the hands are busy, the head is free from extra thoughts, consciousness is in a stable state of equilibrium ... you can relax, relax, and most importantly - to replenish your wardrobe new and Beautiful things , besides there will be no more anyone except you.

Knitting technique Enterlak

Not so long ago, I opened a new unusual technique for myself. It is called Enterlak.

Enterlak is Pattern in knitting which is made from large strips. The optimal for it is a set of 10 loops. Knit in the ENTERLAK style can be both needles and hook. Well, the schemes of such work are found on the Internet - easier simple.

"Piggyback of useful tips" prepared for you 15 ideas that you can embody with Entherlak knitting technology . Ideal for those who love bright colors and good mood!

  1. Entherlak technology is very loved in Europe. In our area, this style has become popular relatively recently. The roots of this technique goes into the past, and first was used in the manufacture of stockulock. And now, as you see, many needlewomen are happy to use this technique in almost any warm things. Personally, I would not completely refuse such a bright and stylish hat.
    Knitting technique Hood
  2. And here are the Rainbow Socks, knitting in the technique of Enterlak.
    Knitting technique
  3. In this knitting technique, you can use both the hook and the needles. The crochet makes such a pattern even easier than the needles. The product is very beautiful, especially if you use multi-colored yarn.
    Knitting technique crochet
  4. The use of this technique makes things particularly beautiful. Nice needlewomen first may be a bit difficult Tie the Enterlak product . Okay, if you pay for a few hours and step by step to follow this session, create a beautiful product will definitely work out.
    Knitting technique Enterlak
  5. I adore the ocean. He fascinates and manites, soothes and excites his thoughts, sometimes even scares, but only with his strength and power. Here, a combination of colors I am associated with the ocean, and in such a sweater it will certainly be impossible to stay unnoticed!
    Knitting technique Bricho
  6. Also very well watch children's things performed in Engineering Enterlak. Your baby will have to taste such a hat!
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  7. The pattern knits with one web, the ranks of which first lie down in one direction, and then to another. If you knit a similar braid monotonially, then the thread can not be overtaken. But if the master wants to get an interesting coloring of the product, you need to alternate the color of the thread each number or through a certain number of rows.
    Knitting technique freeform
  8. Stylish and tasteful!
    Crochet Knitting Technique
  9. Another delightful version of the winter hat. Coloring and makes exclaimed - a proportion of cold gray!
    Knitting technique for beginners
  10. And here is a whole rainbow kit!
    Fashionable blouses 2018.
  11. And who said that this should be clothes? What about a pretty plaid for a favorite sofa?
    Knitting technique Beret
  12. In addition to contrasting yarn, one-photographic threads also use for work. When knitting Entrek, the possibility of perpendicular to the placement of loskutki relative to each other appears. Similar bright products will love many and necessarily attract enthusiastic views.
    Knitting technique
  13. The cozy winter gloves can be associated in the same way. Be sure to take this idea to weapons!
    Crochet Patterns and Technology
  14. According to the Institute of Color Pantone, the main color of 2018 will be ultraviolet. A sharp, provocative and thoughtful purple shade binds originality, ingenuity, far-sighted thinking, directed to the future. So follow fashion or your own preferences and create such a stylish new clothes for yourself!
    Knitting and knitting technique
  15. Yes, in such things you will undoubtedly be the focus.
    Knitting technique and gloves

And those who want to see how to see how the process of creating things in this amazing technique, I suggest a video.

Council of the editorial office

Pattern Enterlak You can decorate almost everything - from the details of your wardrobe to the interior decoration. And the most pleasant thing is that everyone can master this technique, the main thing - to have a desire.

I wish you creative inspiration and beautiful new things for the winter and spring wardrobe.

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