How quickly and easily clean the mattress, even when it is very lazy


Clean the mattress without much effort.

Clean the mattress without much effort.

Clean and sleep hard. It's not for nothing in vain it's so nice to fall asleep in the arms of freshly washed linen. Well, what about the mattress? Yes, he also needs cleaning. Let not every week, but at least once a month or two. No, no dry cleaning and torture with a washing machine. Here, how to make it quickly, painlessly and with an excellent result.

The mattress hides a lot of surprises.

The mattress hides a lot of surprises.

Bad news: The mattress also needs to be cleaned. After all, even through bedding on it can land and other DNA particles, which are better and not thought. And now good news: cleaning the mattress - the process is quite fast and not too time-consuming. In any case, if you use this tricky way, deservedly popular on the Internet.

To quickly and without much effort to clean the mattress, you will need:

1. Putting soda;

2. One or more essential oils on your choice;

3. Vacuum cleaner.

Step 1

Essential oils are not just a pleasant pool.

Essential oils are not just a pleasant pool.

Open the pack of soda and add 10-20 drops of the selected essential oil straight into the box. You can do, of course, without aromatherapy. But essential oils not only perfectly remove the unpleasant odor, but also have antimicrobial properties. Especially if you choose a tea tree or lemon oil. And under the fine aroma lavender or chamomile will fall asleep and more pleasant. But there is still a ylang-ylang - Natural Aphrodisiac ... The thought you caught.

Step 2.

Pour soda to the mattress.

Pour soda to the mattress.

Fold well the box with soda and pour the content right on the "naked" mattress. Distribute the tool over the entire surface and slightly massage it with your hands. Massage, he and mattress is pleasant (although in fact so you make light mechanical cleaning).

Step 3.

Time to spend well!

Time to spend well!

Leave the soda to lie on the mattress hour. This time is enough for it to absorb all fat and pollution. After turn on the vacuum cleaner and carefully remove the remnants of the means. True, it became cleaner?

Clean and sleep more pleasant.

Clean and sleep more pleasant.

After cleaning, fall asleep much easier and more pleasant.

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