10 tricks for a very small apartment spied at the inhabitants of Paris


10 French tricks for very small apartments.

10 French tricks for very small apartments.

The population of the Earth is becoming more and more, and at home and apartments are less and less. It seems that such a trend soon even Hollywood millionaires will have to abandon the chic mansions in favor of what is more compromised. But small housing can be cozy and perfectly comfortable. What is proved miniature, but very "delicious" apartments of stylish Parisians. There is something to take note.

Do you still think that the French live in luxury apartments with huge ceilings, like the young heroes of "Dreamers" Bernardo Bertolucci? In fact, most modern Parisians are in tiny "semi-eyed", extremely rarely exceeding the limit in 35 square meters . But also one or two rooms they manage to turn into a cozy and damn stylish space. Not without the help of these little tricks.

1. Bright accents are required

Balance of bright details and neutral background - new French classic.

Balance of bright details and neutral background - new French classic.

Parisians are not afraid to fill the apartment with bright, juicy details: colorful posters, pillows for the sofa, vases and baubles. And the more different colors, the better it creates comfort and even causes the space to seem more. But so that the apartment does not resemble the hapito, the main rule remains inviolable: the base (large furniture, walls, flooring) should remain a neutral shade. For example, gray.

2. Do not be afraid of boxes

Little apartment boxes are needed. But not boring.

Little apartment boxes are needed. But not boring.

Cut into order and accommodate many things in a small apartment will allow boxes and organizers. How to choose? Choose those that will be better looking at the open shelves.

3. Do not refuse plants

What is a cozy house without indoor plants?

What is a cozy house without indoor plants?

They create in the house comfort and a special atmosphere. But instead of loading window sills, use suspension pots and mini-beds. And the place is saved, and the walls do not seem like naked.

4. A small table on wheels is an excellent solution for tiny kitchen

Perfect table for small cuisine.

Perfect table for small cuisine.

It can be used for cutting vegetables and cooking, as a dining table, and if guests come - roll out the room and turn into a bar. And the French parties are very loved.

5. A little luxury does not interfere with even the smallest bathroom

The thing is in the legs.

The thing is in the legs.

And it is easy to do it - order carved legs for the classic bath. Feel how immediately did the bohemian chic?

6. All "Ladies' things" in a single place

All over the shelves.

All over the shelves.

And hidden from curious eyes. For example, the modest possibilities of a small locker under the sink can be significantly expanded with a pair of hooks and metal baskets.

7. Shelves over the bed

Undervalued opportunity for storage.

Undervalued opportunity for storage.

Why lose precious meters? So the French believe that nothing. And with a clean conscience, shelves hang in several rows right above the headboard. A simple trick, and the storage place increases very much essentially.

8. From the cabinet you can safely refuse

The hanger will replace the closet and save space.

The hanger will replace the closet and save space.

It is replaced by suspended eaves for hangers and similar storage systems. They can be placed, where you have a soul, and at the same time not to clutter the space a large wooden box.

9. And what to do with shoes?

Function decor.

Function decor.

From luxury to indulge yourself with new shoes at least 5 times a year no Parisian will be refused. And so that the arguments of the husband on the topic "and where will we store it?" They did not act, the vertical shelves are going, special shoe organizers, and even the usual stepladers. What is not the decor?

10. Cabinet in every home

Little cabinet in an apartment corner.

Little cabinet in an apartment corner.

Even in the smallest. After all, many French houses are not only resting, but also work. Often, the mini-cabinet is shuting up in the corner, fencing it with a small table right next to the sofa. Places does not occupy a lot, but you can even peep on the TV.

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