Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing


Viktor Oskirko's land plot acquired several years ago, when she still lived on a rented apartment in Sukharevo. The construction of the house began immediately, not postponing, but in order to save - I decided to do everything with my own hands, if possible, attracting friends and relatives. Due to the specifics of the work (Victor - director and operator) in the city I was infrequent - 3-4 times a month. With such a layout, the logistics movement did "in a penny": more than 100 km (to the place of construction and back) daily, and, as a result, almost $ 150 per month on gasoline. Plus - $ 350 for rental apartments. Plus - utility payments ... rightly judge that it is unprofitable to give more than $ 500 per month, Victor decided to make a "horse's move", building a temporary home in the site, right next to the mansion under construction. This was about $ 6,000 annual savings. Did you manage? Tells the owner of the house.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

From idea to sales - in three weeks "Four hands"

The project is in the usual understanding of this word - I did not have: the whole house was built literally "on the knee". But I spied the idea of ​​the design in the project of one German, creating a student house. True, he had a "cube" with a side of 3x3x3 meters, and I have 4x4x4. Another difference: In the German project, the entrance to the second level was made inside the house, which means it was necessary to build an additional staircase. This is not to clutter the inner space, we made a rise to the first level outside the house walls by placing it in the form of a porch with a veranda.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

This allowed to equip in the house also "zero" level, where the main premises is located ("Living Room"), storage room and laundry.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

But now 4 people could safely sleep in the house: two - at the top level / bedroom, and two - on a folding sofa standing in the "living room". True, a wife with a child lives here 3-4 days a week, and the remaining time spent from parents, but it is not connected with the house.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

The kitchen with a stove and the fridge transported from the old apartment, did not have to pay extra.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

The shower was combined with the toilet. At first, washing, sitting on the toilet - inconvenient, but it's very quickly getting used to this, a little different from public baths. And, by the way, the space is not so small - in some "Khrushchev" toilets are even less. The only inconvenience - after the shower, you need a cloth to wipe the tile so that the next seamless was not wet feet.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

If there is an entire amount available (or all building materials), such a house can be built in a few weeks. In four skillful hands - weeks for three. Because I brought the materials gradually, we took the process for more than two months. But if you take clean work - it will be just the three weeks.

I cost me this house in a penny, many materials remained from the construction of a mansion: boards, plywood, plates of Minvati, etc. But for convenience, I all recalculated at market prices. With the reservation that I was looking for materials cheaper.

How much did the "box" cost?

The foundation is pile, homemade. Special shovel died 4 pits with a size of 30x30x120 cm. Filled them with concrete, put the reinforcement, built the box from OSB slabs (formwork), and also poured concrete. A 150x150 mm bar was put on ready-made piles (Ruralsk). The walls of the house have already been mounted on it. For the materials of the foundation I went about $ 50.

It was not immediately to build a carcass right away, first took the search for windows. The windows I did myself, they are in the house - deaf. But I bought the glass windasters for them, the truth is for nothing, they cost me $ 25 for 4 pieces. These were non-dissimilar glass windows: someone ordered them - and did not take in the end. I bought the double-glazed windows for the shipments, I designed the windows, and then under the size of the windows / doors - "Changing" everything else.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Much later realized that it was possible not to make windows / doors myself, and buy already ready on the Internet, also non-standard sizes. There are those of 60-70% cheaper than standard on average in the market. One finished door with double double glazing could be taken for $ 100! A patch window - for $ 170. Now I would do only like that. After all, the windows are "eyes" of any structure, without beautiful windows and the houses will not be beautiful. Thus, if you buy now, take $ 500 on ready-made windows and doors. And it will be even with delivery.

It seems to be windows and a little, but there is no feeling in the house. Large doors skip a lot of light, and if you take a veranda and balcony space - the look extends 7 meters, which visually expands the size of the room. In the summer I plan instead of the main window in the "living room" to make a patch window, it will give the room even more "air".

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Wall cake is the easiest: OSB Minvati Plate Bakeup Osset Top Film. Instead of vaporizolation, I used the most ordinary cellophane film, the essence of this does not change much.

It took about 6 M. Kub for the whole house. Forests (together with the facade, on which 2 mk bube left.). Cubometer on average cost $ 100. That is, all tree for the frame cost me $ 600. The board was used "single-caliber", but most of -10x50 mm. Of these, I did a special crate "in the overwhelming", in which the insulation was laid.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

It is worth making an important reservation: bought a natural humidity board, raw. And this is another option to save. People usually buy on the construction of a skeleton house Techushki or fugged board. Why is it fugged if all this is in the end hiding? In addition, the sawboards have an advantage: "fencery", a rough surface, which is well holding the plates of Minvati, they will never know.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

"Raw" board (natural humidity) - inevitably will dry, it will turn it. So that this does not happen, you need to twist the frame from raw boards immediately, without waiting for drying. And when it is already twisted in the frame - it will dry in this form. And stretches as a string. Imagine that 12 screws are screwed into the board. Where will it lead after this? Nowhere. It turns out the perfect tension - it is enough to give a skating frame in vivo two weeks. Savings with a blackboard from the techushk - more than three times! Agree, there is a difference - for the whole board to give $ 600 or $ 2000? Well, let's not forget: I put your hand on the heart, find the perfectly flat board of the techushki - the more task. She still somewhere slightly "plays" on planes, it is usually made in the installation stage, "pull up."

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Introduced the house with plates of Minvati: on the floor - 30 cm, the ceiling - 40 cm, the walls - 20 cm. With the Minvat, it is difficult to work: the sheets have to be laid at exactly, if some slit is formed - it is necessary to score it, otherwise the heat outline will be impaired. Plus - it is impossible to breathe all this, it is necessary to work in masks ... In a word, if the funds were allowed, and I didn't have any remnants of Wat - I would blow the walls with a special foam, it is ecologically and faster, and the layer is needed more subtle. And no films are not necessary. But, did, as did - traditionally. Foam to insulate such a house will cost $ 600, Minvata - a little more expensive, to 1000 cu (this is maximum). OSB sheets need to buy about 20 pcs. (10 mm thick) on my house. This is another plus $ 150.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

The thickness of the walls turned out about 35 cm, but everything includes everything; Warming, 5-cm ventilation clearance (on the perimeter of the house is equipped with ventfassad) and facing board.

On the roof - "Alkorplan", modern, but not the most budget material. But he is not afraid of anything at all: neither UV rays nor jumps of temperature. The bias of the roof is only 8 cm, this is more than enough for precipitation. In order to save on the roof, it is possible to use a conventional runner, but you will need two layers (mandatory) and to put some pebbles on top to protect against ultraviolet. On 16 square meters two layers of rubberoid, plus the stock throw ... Let it be 40 square meters. m. The variation of prices is essential, but you can also find a non-thendition, on the dollar (and even cheaper) for 1 square meters. m. In this case, all the roof will cost $ 50.

The porch and the terrace I did not laid the price - they can be made from anything, if desired. I have some time a porch in general stood from the pallets.

On the balcony you can raise underwear for drying, or leave to smoke if you smoke.

It is important to know: immediately count all the materials: it is better to take with a slight margin so that then I have not had to take anything. Each attributes (for anything) costs from $ 20 in a 20-kilometer drawing from the city, and the cost increases with distance.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Interior decoration

Approximately 4 sheets of plywood went to the inner finish: lockers, side, etc. This is another $ 50. All other boards that I entered the shower cabin, the staircase, the floor and the other inside - 150 $ maximum. Total - let, $ 200.

Tip: Faneru is better not to buy in stores, construction hypermarkets or construction markets. The best option is to find a firm released goods from wholesale bases or plants. Only to drive will need to look in any case, because you can run into the sale of solar residues and the quality will not be so hot. And so - Normal Phaneur can be bought by 30% cheaper than in the store or hypermarket. The same applies to the boards that you can try to take straight from the sawmill.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

The sewage in the house with all the pipes cost me $ 100, the toilet - $ 200, a 50 $ washbasin, a mixer with a 50 $ shower ... in a word, the entire shower room / toilet with a wiring was not more than $ 400.

German laminate was bought in a confiscate store, he cost about 50% cheaper than on the market. Why so cheap? Because the man is driving him a little, room or apartment, so much seized. Because of the limited volume of the material - not everyone will buy it. And I - just enough to the floor, cost all the laminate at $ 150.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

250 $ I gave for a laminate on the walls-ceiling. Bought already in another store, as a non-thendition. This laminate had a small marriage: the smallest protrusions at the junctions, and if you put such a foot on the floor, I would cling to these protrusions, the laminate quickly lost its freight look. And for walls and ceiling - this is not an obstacle. Why did the laminate chose? It gives the form of completion, the appearance of the perfect grinding wall. And it is durable. It is designed for the fact that they will walk, so it will maintain his trade look at the walls for many years. And it can always be washed, a simple mop, the whole room, including the ceiling. The only moment: to everyone who will gather to build a microd, I advise you to choose a white or very light color - it visually increases the space.

Home equipment and final price

There are no heating devices in the house, except for air conditioning. This is a special model that can work with minus 25 degrees Celsius. The air conditioner sensor is programmed to a constant temperature indoors in the area of ​​22 degrees, as soon as the temperature falls - it turns on and heats the house. At the coldest month we paid less than 40 rubles for all electricity. It is with a TV, boiler, washing machine, stove, refrigerator, all lighting and two powerful computers. Kopey, agree? In the "warm" months pay even less.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

We drove on May 28, 2016. For some time there was no water, there was a shower to take on the street, then the water pipe was "squeaked" and was normal. The house paid off in less than a year.

If you summarize all the above-mentioned materials on materials, we get the price of $ 3350 (this is already with a margin). It is without equipment and furniture. You can search options with sales, something to try to bring from Poland - then it turns out to meet $ 5000 and it will be a "turnkey" state. Only the toothbrush will remain with you to grab and bed linen. But everyone will have to do with their own hands. Attracting third-party employees will increase the cost of the house 2.5-3 times.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Life after micro

Microd will remain an excellent investment even after the relocation to the mansion. Guests arrived or parents? There is a guest house. I wanted to work in solitude? He left the big house to the "External office" - you do not interfere with anyone, and no one bothers you. Child can give this house instead of "headquarters", or let him meet him with friends. In the end, Microd can be transported somewhere: remove the crane from the foundation and transported with the accompaniment of the traffic police. It is unlikely that the whole design weighs more than 3 tons.

I even thought about the formulation of the Microdoms "on the flow". To establish production, you need a workshop with a assembly line, a conveyor. And there already on the harvested "Lekal" stamping these houses. They calculated approximately renting, equipment, masters, reached the minimum price of $ 12,000. And then, most likely, did not take into account a number of moments that can express production. On the other hand, this will be "turnkey" house, with all interior decoration, furniture and necessary equipment. Are there prospects in our country? I think yes. But get all the permissions and organize the assembly process will not be easy.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Therefore, I now think over another idea: build small villages of such houses in scenic places and take them, develop agrotourism. Or, just outside the city, an analogue of a mini-village, in which people will pay the same rent as in the city, but - to do without neighbors, live in fresh air, contain in the comfort of pets, etc. The benefits of country life have long been known.

Appeal to readers

Young professionals who come to conquer the capital, young families, people who plan to ever live in a private house - I recommend not to wait. While you wait - you lose time and money. In invest them immediately in our future: Buy a piece of land, and build a small house, and then - see by circumstances: Live for funds or slowly invest more in the house. But - do not postpone "for later." The faster you begin to live in your home - the sooner you will begin to comprehend this life. And you will not have a way back - this is a very important psychological aspect that inhibits many on the decision-making. Do not wise up immediately to the big, start with the small, learn how to use it, and you will surely get the next step ...

Already this summer I plan to talk in your own, big house. Now in it there is an interior decoration, the facade is also not in the "finishing" version, so while I propose to look at the renders.

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

Microd on four for $ 3300, or how to stop paying for removable housing

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