From the old - new! Sheet-case in just 5 minutes


Sheet with a rubber band in just 5 minutes

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Today we will talk about how to sew your own tension sheet with a rubber band.

There are two main ways to sewing sheets with a rubber band. That this is a convenient thing, many know no obstacle. True sizes against her usual, she is more, but, as they say, the taste is! And if you like stretch sheets and you never sewed them, then proceed to the study of the material.

Whatever processing method you have not chosen, the calculation of the required amount of tissue will be the same. Such as in this manual:

From the old - new! Sheet-case in just 5 minutes

The main problem of large mattresses, for example, 200х200 is that there is no such width of the fabric. If one side can be calculated by buying the required amount of material, then the other must be adopted exactly.

Calculations will be such:

200 (width) + 2x16 (thickness) + 2x12 (Punches for envelope + follow) = 256cm.

But we still need to put the sheet. Lack of width of only 36 (256-220 (width of the fabric), see but you can not get anywhere, you will have to put it. We buy another 38 cm to sew to the missing length. The seam will not interfere, and if it is located under pillows, then Will not rush into the eyes.

256 + 38 = 294. It should be rounded up to 295-300 cm (can be useful when aligning sections)

Further all according to the instructions.

However, this method involves an accurate fit of the sizes of the mattress. If you intend to spread the sheet to other mattresses, then look at my offer.

Second way

Depending on how much it is based on the size of the covered surfaces, you can add an allowance of not 10 cm to the thickness of the mattress, but, let's say - 15 cm. And the corners of the sheet should not be cut, but rounded with a radius equal to the thickness of the mattress plus a bending. In our case, 28 cm.

The bending of the gum is made not wide, about 1 cm in the finished form so that the gum is located in it tight. Then the product will be beautiful. The bending on the roundings should first be presented manually, suture an enclosure with a closed slice, as shown in the photo.

From the old - new! Sheet-case in just 5 minutes

Then we are dragging twisting, leaving at the junction not sewn small hole in 1-1,5 cm for pins to put the gum. A rubber band located throughout the perimeter of the sheet provides a better fitting of the sheets and, largely, reduces its stretching (damage).

We buy a gum for the most ordinary linen:

From the old - new! Sheet-case in just 5 minutes

It will be required for our sheets with a size of 256x256 - 5 meters (approximately 1/2 perimeter of sheets). Gently ingesting the gum into the bending, trying to not be twisted and sew the ends of the scan of the blast (1cm) on the typewriter or manually. Evenly we put the entire assembly and get this beauty!

From the old - new! Sheet-case in just 5 minutes

In conclusion I want to say that the sheets on the elastic band are convenient to use, especially for a children's bed. In the staining form it looks like such a sheet very carefully. But some hostesses do not like them for the fact that because of the rubber band, the tension sheet is difficult to fold a smooth rectangle.

In this short video clip you can see how to lay a sheet so that in the closet with bedding, as always, there was order, even with tension sheets.

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