Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals


Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Ordinary disinfecting napkins that can be bought in a shopping store are very helpful when cleaning. We want to get rid of bacteria so that the space becomes safer. But if you read the list of ingredients on the box, it can be found that the most unsafe toxic components can be found as part of most napkins. They can lead to allergies, attacks asthma and other health impairments.

In addition, the napkins are designed only for one-time use, and you have to put up with harm to the environment. You can solve these problems, making environmentally friendly disinfecting napkins yourself.

For the project you will need old towels or other rags. They can be reused, and your health will be safe.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Bring your closet for old things, bed linen or towels. Any rags containing natural fibers are suitable, but the best cotton or linen.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 1: Collect all the necessary ingredients.

You will need:

  • a glass of distilled or purified water;
  • Half a glass of white vinegar;
  • 8-10 droplets of lemon essential oil;
  • 8-10 droplets of eucalyptus, pine or lavender oil (lavender, among other things, give a mixture a pleasant smell);
  • 5-7 drops of tea tree or white thyme;
  • old towel or other rag;
  • glass container (you can take a simple jar);
  • Measuring cup

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 2: Prepare a disinfecting mixture. Well wash the jar and add a glass of distilled water and a stack of vinegar into it. You can use filtered water.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 3: Add essential oils. It is best to do this with a pipette. Tea tree oil has disinfectant properties. It is capable of defeating bacteria, without harm to health. In addition, the oil can cope with many viruses and fungal infections. But keep it away from pets - they can be too sensitive to such substances. If you want to remove with napkins those places where animals are often located, add white thyme oil.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 4: Some more fragrant essences. Citrus oils have good disinfectant properties and dissolve fat. The smell of citrus is unpleasant for cats, so you can use napkins in those places from which you want to scare your fluffy love. Lavender oil will smell very well. At the same time, it deletes the bacteria well, such oil is a natural antidepressant for a person. Cleaning is not always a pleasant thing, so it will not be superfluous to raise yourself a mood. If there is no lavender oil, add pine oil or eucalyptus. But in this case, your tool will have a sharper smell.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 5: Make napkins, cutting the old towel or napkin. Make the loskutka about the same size and soam them in the resulting solution. Vide the bank completely. Liquid should cover all flap. Tightly close the lid so that the pairs of essential oils are not evaporated. After a few hours, turn the jar upside down. You will suit any natural fabric, but the most convenient to work with mild cotton. It is better not to use synthetics, because under the influence of vinegar and essential oils, harmful substances can be isolated from it.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 6: Warn the jar with napkins. Be sure to sign the composition of the product and the date of its manufacture. You can simply glue a piece of paper adhesive tape or make an art sticker. In any case, information about the composition should be written on the tank, because it can get into the hands to other members of your family.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 7: Start cleaning with your new napkins. They can wipe the kitchen table, glass surfaces, shower, bathroom and all other places to get rid of bacteria. Remember that the equipment includes vinegar, so do not use it on the surfaces that are sensitive to acids! Do not wipe concrete and marble surfaces, as well as untreated wood. If you are not sure, for a start, try on a small at least spare area.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Try another recipe for disinfecting napkins, this time without vinegar.

You will need:

  • a glass of distilled water;
  • 2-4 tablespoons of alcohol;
  • tablespoon of soap based on olive oil (optional);
  • Essential oil of tea tree or white thyme;
  • Cotton fabric (you can any old things, this time there were socks);
  • glass jar;
  • dimensional cup;
  • tablespoon;
  • scissors;

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 1: Fill water into the bank and add alcohol to it.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 2: Add a little olive soap to the tool. He has excellent disinfectant properties. But in no case add this to the means to the first recipe. Together with vinegar, it will turn your agent into a rather unpleasant mass. You can skip this step if you have not succeeded soap.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 3: Add selected essential oils.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 4: Cut old socks or other things on small rags. Everything is as well as in the first recipe.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 5: It remains to add a label. Now you will know which of the means to use in each case.

Make disinfecting napkins that do not contain toxic chemicals

Step 6: Wipe those surfaces that cannot be cleaned in the first way.

You can use napkins re-prepare for them a new disinfect solution. Pretty press them before use. It is best to keep a jar with napkins in a dark place so that essential oils retain their useful properties longer.

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