A couple of Lifehakov for moms and dads who will use you exactly


Parents very often have to be almost superhero. And you probably know that each superhero has a whole set of fishechs and secrets that make it easier for him. So today we share a couple of Lifehakov for moms and dads who will definitely use you.

Lifehaki for children

15 Best Lifehakov

  1. More bacteria on a toothbrush! Such a stand will save you exactly.

    Lifehaki for children

  2. If the child loves to draw, so that then all the clothes in the paint, just wrap his clothes with a food film. Then the masterpiece will be created, and the clothes will not have to wash.

    Top Lifehaki

  3. So that the whirlwind is always at hand, just hanging it on the hook, glued on the head of the chair for feeding.

    New Lifehaki

  4. How to take a child for a few hours? With a pair of cardboard boxes, this will not be difficult.

    Steep lifehaki

  5. Such a simple device will save you from a loud clapping door and makes little children's fingers from bruises.

    Lifehaki for home

  6. Pope also need to relax sometimes.

    Clear tricks

  7. Here is another way to occupy a child for a while with the help of girlfriend.

    Tricks for parents

  8. Are you planning a family picnic? Frozen sponge will help keep the products with fresh, and if lost, it is not so sorry.

    Children and parents

  9. Does the permanent buzz of the machine with a motor? Crew speaker tape - and no longer noise.

    Unusual ideas

  10. Clamping a roll of wrapping paper to the wall, so the child always has a canvas for drawing.

    Ideas for home

  11. With the help of an ordinary tray, you can make bricks for a huge snowy fortress.

    Homemade Lifehaki

  12. And with the help of adhesive tape, you can collect all small details from the floor.

    Interesting ideas

  13. Where is it better to hide candy? True, in the package from under anything very tasteless.

    Original Lifehaki

  14. After a walk, you can wash all the toys and small details in the dishwasher.

    House and cleaning

  15. The form for baking cupcakes will not give to the ice cream to flow on hand and clothing.

    Lifehaki for life

We collected tricks for different situations. Some will come in handy every day, and other only for emergency cases. If you are a parent, then such lifehaki to relieve life will be accustomed to you or will be inspired to create our own. Being a parent is not easy, but very fun. Good luck to you!

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