Woven Losktkov Mat


Woven Losktkov Mat

If you still want to use old clothes and get from the patchwork with a homemade rug, I suggest the option - woven rug, with the use of cardboard. A very pretty thing for the kitchen may turn out, see themselves.

Woven Losktkov Mat

Woven Losktkov Mat

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To work, we need a fabric or, as I have noticed above, old unnecessary clothing. The author used old sheets. You can use fabric and floppy, if you want a rug for an entrance hall. In any option, it turns out the beautiful and necessary addition of the interior items of your home)

And we need - cardboard (58 sizes per 101 cm), ruler, black marker or felt-tip pen, scissors and insulating tape or tape

Woven Losktkov Mat

We celebrate the marker on the tissue of the break site - 5 cm

Woven Losktkov Mat

Rib fabric on strips

Woven Losktkov Mat

Woven Losktkov Mat

Marker applied to cardboard markup

Woven Losktkov Mat

Cutting cardboard on the markup, insert the fabric strips, as shown in the photo

Woven Losktkov Mat

And now we begin to "weak"

Woven Losktkov Mat

Woven Losktkov Mat

Fabric strip connection method:

Woven Losktkov Mat

Woven Losktkov Mat

Woven Losktkov Mat

Woven Losktkov Mat

Woven Losktkov Mat

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