Tool Likbez


Professional language, hand tools - a nomenclature series of instruments used in various fields of activity that relate to construction and repair, as well as various work processes.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Files are distinguished by the size of the notches (number), in length and form. Depending on the number of notes on 1 cm lengths, the files are:

- like (№ 0 and 1) with a large notch

- Hasual (No. 2) with a smaller notch

- drkhatny (№ 3, 4) with a very small notch

Dracker files are used for pre-coarse processing, personal - for finishing, finishing and velvet - for the final, accurate finish of the product.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Raspel (Him. Raspel, from Raspeln - scrubbing), a file with the largest notch for Filinking, mainly soft metals, wood and plastic materials. Refers to cutting tools.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Planked - Manual Woodworking Tool for Planing. The planers are used to give the surfaces of wooden parts of the desired roughness, straightness, flatness, shapes, reduce parts size, as well as to create outstands of various shapes in detail.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Fuganok is designed for final wood processing. It is used when there is a need to align the surface of the large size, as well as for the seven edges of the long details.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

The chisel is a steel lump of a square or rectangular section, sharpened on the one hand, like a chisel. From the opposite side, the handle made from solid wood, such as oak or beech. It has a flat screw, tightly captured by a bronze or steel ring to prevent splitting when they hit it. Chisel is a tool designed to destroy wood fibers. For this, the hilt is applied by a hammer, and preferably wooden in Cyan. Usually, it is done with the help of recesses and holes in the surface of a wooden array.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Unlike the previous tool, the chisel is intended for sampling the grooves and grooves, small deepening and refractors, while working along the direction of the growth of wood fibers. It is made of a much fine-thin steel strip, which can be both flat and have a shape of a gutter. At the same time, if the first is sharpened from above, like chisel, the second has sharpening from the reverse surface facing when working to the tree. The chisel's handle has a dome-shaped screw, convenient for pressure of a hand layer. It can be applied on it if necessary only light blows, otherwise it will just split.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

The leaf teeth for the metal should look from themselves.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Flat (feathers, first, feather) copes well with drilling of a large diameter holes. Compromise solution in the ratio of the price compared to spiral. Functions are the same.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Flat (feathers, first, feather) copes well with drilling of a large diameter holes. Compromise solution in the ratio of the price compared to spiral. Functions are the same.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

And this is a cannon drill. There is no use in the farm.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself


Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself


Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself


Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Manual mechanical drill.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself


Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself


Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Schunzenreismass - a scholars-tool, similar to a caliper, but mounted on the base in the vertical plane.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself


Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself


Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Tick ​​clamps.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Pliers are stopped.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Pliers crimp.

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Key adjustable "Swedik"

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

Instrumental leakage garage, tool, do it yourself, do it yourself

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