The craftswoman took old compact discs and lowered in boiling water. Take a look that came out of it!


The craftswoman took old compact discs and lowered in boiling water. Take a look that came out of it!

Jammy Petito Master to create incredible things. She often lays out various projects on Youtube Channel

It sends CDs to boiling water, which helps it easier to divide them into parts.

That's what you need:

- CD discs

- Good glue

- Spaws

- Thicks

- Pliers

- Wire

- Styrofoam

- A hammer

- Towel

- scissors

- Wide, simple jewelry

Instructions for Disco Ball:

The craftswoman took old compact discs and lowered in boiling water. Take a look that came out of it!

Step 1: Cut discs into small parts. You can do it using different methods.

Method A: Wrapping and grinding on arbitrary details.

* Tip: To accelerate the process, place the CD in the freezer for 5-10 minutes

The craftswoman took old compact discs and lowered in boiling water. Take a look that came out of it!

Wrap the CD in the towel.

The craftswoman took old compact discs and lowered in boiling water. Take a look that came out of it!

Place on a solid surface and, using a hammer or shoe heel, scatter a CD

The craftswoman took old compact discs and lowered in boiling water. Take a look that came out of it!

Method B: Boiling CDs for creating certain forms

* Tip: If you find that the edges are sharp, use sandpaper to soften them

Pour water into a saucepan, boil it and remove it from the stove.

The craftswoman took old compact discs and lowered in boiling water. Take a look that came out of it!

Using the tongs, carefully place the CD into the water and pull it out in a few minutes.

The craftswoman took old compact discs and lowered in boiling water. Take a look that came out of it!

Using the holder, cut the CD sharp knife on the desired figures.

The craftswoman took old compact discs and lowered in boiling water. Take a look that came out of it!

Step 2: Take a ball of foam

Using ships, pour the top of the ball, reach the end


Remove the skeleton and replace it with the wire. Younger twist the wire at an angle of 90 degrees, and then tighten into the spiral. This will allow the ball to have a stable base.


Using an extra wire upstairs, create a loop for a convenient suspension.

the loop

Step 3: Decoration of the ball with pieces of a CD.

Start gluing a CD portion to the center of the ball to create the basis for symmetry.


Continue glue pieces along the center line until the ball is completely covered with disc particles.


Instructions for jewelry:



Step 1: Repeat the steps to split the CD into pieces, but this time they should be smaller.

Step 2: Stick pieces on the earrings.



Step 1: Split CD on the part.


Step 2. Carefully create a small hole in every part with a heated needle.


Step 3: Add a ring into each hole and attach each part to the chain.


Watch the video. You can see all the technology of creating a chain.

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