14 effective ways of using hair lacquer, which know units


Unconventional, but very effective ways of using hair varnish.

Unconventional, but very effective ways of using hair varnish.

There are many things in the world that, in addition to direct purposes, is used for other useful cases. Hair varnish is no exception. In addition, it allows you to keep stacking flawless, it can help both in everyday life. In this review, 14 options for the unusual use of familiar styling agents

1. Ability to fix zipper

And with lightning there are no problems.

And with lightning there are no problems.

Many suffer from the fact that zipper on jeans during socks is constantly unbounded. This can be prevented if you sprinkle it with a styling agent.

2. Remove traces from cosmetics

Removing traces of lipstick from clothes.

Removing traces of lipstick from clothes.

Tonal cream, lipstick, blush on clothes - all this is not uncommon for any woman. Hair varnish will help remove these stains instantly. Apply a remedy for a polluted area and only then proceed to washing - all spots will be off the fabric very quickly. By the way, in a similar way, you can get rid of fresh stains for hair paints on clothes.

3. To create a photo with food

Lac as the main secret of the photographer.

Lac as the main secret of the photographer.

This trick is common among photographers. If a dish or just a meal to sprinkle with hair varnish, then under its influence, the color of vegetables, fruits and other products becomes much more saturated, the appetizing glossy shine is formed on the surface. It is not necessary to eat it, no matter how tasty it does not look, it is impossible to eat dishes.

4. Foot Comfort

For lover of studs.

For lover of studs.

Styling will help give the brilliance of any lacquered shoes. But that's not all. If the legs "drive" in the summer shoes - spray a small amount of varnish on the feet and this problem will disappear.

5. Fighting insects

There is no insect!

There is no insect!

Absolutely any insect in the house is powerless against her hair varnish. Therefore, finding in my apartment a cockroacha, a fly, an ant or other similar living creature - sprinkle her with varnish, and she will never bother you again.

6. Raising the density of pantyhot

And tights do not rush.

And tights do not rush.

To make tights stronger, before putting on, they need to spray hair lacquer. It will make tights stronger and will not allow them to quickly break. But even if it happens, stop the "running arrow" will also help varnish.

7. Color fixer

Not just a drawing, but already a masterpiece.

Not just a drawing, but already a masterpiece.

Varnish allows for a long time to fix the brightness of the pattern drawn pastel or coal. Moreover, under its effect, all colors will become much brighter and can not be afraid of any fading. Fix in this way the drawing can be not only in the picture, but also on the asphalt.

8. Means for ignition

Hair varnish as a means for ignition.

Hair varnish as a means for ignition.

To quickly light the bonfire without the use of special liquids, before arson, it is necessary to cover hair varnish. But it is not necessary to cherish it, since the means is explosive.

9. For freshness bouquet

Varnish will extend the life of the bouquet.

Varnish will extend the life of the bouquet.

To flowers in the bouquet for a long time retain their beauty, they need to be covered with hair varnish. Styling will fix the petals and will not let them fall.

10. Helium balls

Long-playing balls.

Long-playing balls.

To protect balloons from rapid plug and dust - after inflation, sprinkle them with a varnish of hair.

11. Leather cleaning agent

If the skin got ink.

If the skin got ink.

This stacked means can effectively clear the stains from ink and felt-saucer on natural skin. To do this, you need a very little tool to apply to the affected area and leave to operate for five minutes, and then wipe the soft dry cloth. If you failed to get rid of the problem from the first time - you need to repeat the manipulation again, until the problem is completely disappeared. To return the product after cleaning the product, it is necessary to apply a bit of a bold cream or oil to the surface of the skin and carefully launched.

12. Decoration

If you need to fix the glitter.

If you need to fix the glitter.

And if you take a lacquer with sparkles, it can be used to decorate a variety of surfaces: fabrics, christmas toys, branches of the New Year tree, paper, etc. Here it is limited only to your fantasy.

13. Effective means for self-defense

Varnish instead of a gas canister.

Varnish instead of a gas canister.

A small can be useful to wear with him for your own security. In the event of an attack, the tool is simply sprayed the criminal in the face. And the attacker does not suffer greatly, but he will definitely not be up to you.

14. Wool on clothes

And the clothes are always clean.

And the clothes are always clean.

Wool and minor villins, which spoil appearance, often sticks to clothing. If there was no special sticky roller nearby, it will be replaced by hair polish and a clean towel. Spray the remedy on the towel and wipe the clothes, look like a nagworn pile. In addition, the fabric will be clean, it will find the effect of the antistatics and nothing will "stick" to it.

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