How to wash the cat so that neither he nor you will suffer ...


Pictures on request to wash the cat,

Cats are afraid of water - this is a well-known fact. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to wash your pet sometimes: in front of the exhibition or simply because he fought. However, in order to get into the smallest stress, it is necessary to understand several main points for themselves: to understand the reason for the panic fear of the pretty-tailed to wet, and also how to bathe it and what it is certainly impossible to do.

Why cats afraid of water

If you watch the representatives of the Feline family in the wild, it can be noted that they are not too afraid to dunk the legs: catching fish, frightened, and even twist the rivers - escape from enemies or in search of a new territory. With all the way, the cats are fully justified to the water. The fact is that the fluffy animal wool holds an air layer in itself, at the expense of which the cat is warm in the most bodied frost. However, if wool wures out, this layer will disappear, and the animal can freeze.

In addition, wet wool has a characteristic sharp odor, which is fraught with an unsuccessful hunt for a predator. And this is not to mention that dust and dirt and dirt are easier for wool because of the water.

Do I need to wash the cat?


Many owners of fluffy pets are asked if it is necessary to bathe a cat, if he supports the fur in the order - is washed several times a day - and besides, it does not walk on the balcony? Experienced breeders believe that it is still necessary. After all, on shoes and clothes, we bring no less bacteria into our apartment, which would grab a tailed, walk in myself. True - no more than once every three months, otherwise it is fraught with the cutting of the skin, and therefore dandruff and poor wool state.

How to pay the cat

Many advise to teach the kittens to the water Cears: throwing floating toys into the basin, or even pour water into the bath and run fish there. If you are not a supporter of the puddle around the pelvis and aquarium in your own bath, these advice are unlikely to come to your taste, and the cat is unlikely to help: it's still very one thing - to fill the cuisine from the pelvis, and another to detect yourself on the ears in the shampoo. So how to proceed to this responsible procedure? First of all, make sure that all windows and doors are closed and there is no draft.

To wash the cat, you will need:

  • cat
  • Special shampoo - ideal if it is with air conditioning
  • cotton balls - to invest their cat in the ears so that there is no water in any case
  • Rubber rug or towel - lay it on the bottom of the bath, so as not to slip your paws
  • Bath (in principle, you can wash the cat and in the shower, especially if you do not join him)
  • duck (optional)
  • Big Towel.
  • Bandages, iodine, Valeriaca (for you) - if necessary

Cut the cat, paying special attention to the woolly wool - if you do not want to get a felt toy at the exit. Place the cat in the bath. Take a means for washing. Find a cat (if necessary, get it out of the sofa) and put in the bath again. Wet it with water, on the temperature of the corresponding body temperature of the animal (38-39 degrees). Hold the cat from trying to break by you to the exit.

Cat yawns, archival photos

If it did not work out - get a wet cat from under the sofa and carefully wash it with a small amount of shampoo. Do not touch your head - cats have very sensitive eyes and ears, the water getting into them is not just unpleasant to the animal, but can also be dangerous. Thoroughly wash the wool until the water becomes absolutely transparent: if the shampoo remains on the skin, it will dry it, causing irritation and peeling, the wool fade and falls. Remove the cat out of the bathroom and place on the towel, but do not wipe, but wash the wool so that water is absorbed into the fabric. Use a hairdryer if the apartment is not cold and you do not prepare the pet to the exhibition, optionally - it will dry himself.

Be sure to talk to the cat, explain to him that such a life and nothing to go anywhere, you wash away every day, and sometimes you still shave - the cats are very well captured by intonation, so the main thing that is required from you is a calm, affectionate voice.

When wool gets dry, be sure to spread the cat again, to avoid the appearance of koltuns, and treat something delicious - he is also well done, and now your handsome.

How to wash the cat so that neither he nor you will suffer ...

The optimal temperature of the water is about 40 degrees. Water should be a little - only on the abdominal cat. Prepare a bucket or a mug to rinse the animal - remember about the sound of the water from the shower. At the bottom of the bathing container or a diaper, in which the animal will be able to release claws to not slide.

Shack your pet's nerves - quietly and gently say, put the cat into the water, sticking with hand for the blade, moisten the wool with water. Apply a little bit on the withers, chest, belly, tail. If you need to wash your head, clamp your ears with an animal (here without assistant can not do) - water in the ears can cause inflammation. Do not forget to wash the front paws, chin and tail.

How to wash the cat so that neither he nor you will suffer ...

How to wash the cat so that neither he nor you will suffer ...

How to wash the cat so that neither he nor you will suffer ...

How to wash the cat so that neither he nor you will suffer ...

How to wash the cat so that neither he nor you will suffer ...

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