Chlorhexidine - Love Story


It must be said despite the diploma of the doctor, it is impossible to say that I am a big dock in terms of drugs. Well, I know something that is often in work, I know where to see when you need, well, the fact that home is useful - a home first aid kit

A few years ago I opened it for myself - he is beautiful, universal, he is Ohrenien! And yes, it is chlorhexidine! The most common - for 15 rubles

It is active in respect of many bacteria, some simple and viruses. It gives trade names and sold in Torunoga (Mirisma, Hexicon, Amidate Etc.) It is added to ointment and cream (because it is actively active in expensive creams), they are smeared by surgeons ...

Do you have problems with mucous or skin? Just pour, do not regret - do not rub, do not smear, just wash with soap what hurts and paint, do not get wet and wipe - let him dry itself. And everything will be fine, nor from the first, so from the second time. In just 15 rubles

You hurt the throat - rinse, do not regret, a couple of times - appreciate the effect

And you love it as well as me!

No advertising for the sake of universal health for!

And of course, self-treatment is not good - consult with a specialist

PS Who will start to whine about contraindications - do not do, they are extremely rare.

PPS - picture from Ineta - I have such a house

Chlorhexidine, Love Story Doctors, Medicines, True, Leather

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