He glued the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it is just set fire


Sometimes an intriguing idea comes to us, but in most cases it remains just an idea. However, when the ratdifier Wallacemk, a fascinating thought arose during the game, he was simply not able to not embody her.

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

Altern after a year, his project saw the Internet. "It took about 10 months, and I think that its cost was about 500 dollars," the Wallace commented on his huge sphere of 42 thousand matches. Bonding them was a very delicate task, but it did not prevent the guy set fire to his creation. As they say, Memento Mori.

Wallace from New York spent almost a year for a very nontrivial project. He created the sphere of about 42 thousand matches and documented the whole process

Wallace from New York spent almost a year for a very nontrivial project. He created the sphere of about 42 thousand matches and documented the whole process in the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"Once I played with matches and thought that their heads are a little more than the wand itself. I wondered what would happen if I start gluing them together and I would not stop. I imagined the sphere and decided to figure it out. "

He glued the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it is just set fire

"At the very beginning of the project, I was very interested in trying to find out how many matches I need. I bought them in boxes of 300 pieces in my grocery store (I am sure that they considered me crazy) and I needed to know whether I would have to rob Bank. I began to play with the program for modeling Rhino to understand how this sphere From the matches will look ultimately. "

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"I used an angle of 0.82 degrees, helping to close the circle, which will create matches based on their shape. According to the program, if all matches are the same (and this is not the case), I would get a circle consisting of 439 matches, a diameter of 17.643 inches. The surface area of ​​the sphere can be found using equation 4πr2, and since R = 8,8215, "we get 977,405 square inches. Our matches occupy approximately 0.0156 square inches of this surface, therefore 977,405 square inches / 0,0156 square inches = 62,654 matches in the perfect world. "

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"I simulated this damn thing, but my computer could not reproduce it. I had to cut the parts until I stopped not enough memory. For your pleasure, here is a quarter of the sphere shown in virtual reality. "

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"Then bonding began! I think the best way to describe this process is to formulate my mental and emotional state while gluing matches for hours. This photo was made during excitement and optimism. My theory worked and the curvativity of the sphere began to get acquainted! ".

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"This photo marks a turning point in my euphoria, with the arrival of understanding, as far as much time, energy and matches will be required to this sphere. The form came out beautiful, but for sticking one layer of matches a lot of time was required. I added them in a circle, which just continued to grow and grow, but did not increase so quickly as I would like. "

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"I used to understand that the folding of matches the heads in one direction helps me to glue them much faster. I could take about 7 matches at a time and glue them to the ball. "

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"The joy of approaching halfway was overshadowed by the fact that I used the boxes of 300 matches and one boxes did not give the opportunity to make one full layer. The middle was depressing time. "

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"But I continued to go on! And she continued to grow! And she began to remind less than the sphere less, and it was more like a children's approximation of the sphere. I had to abandon the idea of ​​cultivating when I saw that I could not support perfect growth. "

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"So close, but so damn far. Now the match is much harder to place, because I need to get inside the surface curve. It should also be noted that I did all this work in the metal workshop, so it was very funny to keep it from sparking. Many thanks to my bosses and colleagues who put up with me when I do it on their territory! ".

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"I like this photo, it shows how cool sphere is at the end. She did not become an ideal ball, but, of course, turned into something cool, what could be looking at. "

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"I saved all my empty match boxes to rate how much I used matches. I finished with exactly 140 match boxes, which went to this project. If there were actually 300 matches in each of them, it would be 42 thousand matches. This amount is significantly different from my estimate of 62,654 matches, but it could affect a lot of factors: it may be possible in every box there are no exactly 300 matches, perhaps I did not create the perfect sphere (I did not do it), perhaps, matches of different sizes ( This is exactly the case). Nevertheless, 20 thousand matches are a significant error. Too much for reliability. "

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"And this is what you get. It turns out that all green matches are not exactly the same color ... The potential energy here was very tangible. In general, it took about ten months to create this thing, working in the evenings and on weekends. It's worth it".

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"Here we do what you need to do."

He was glued to the sphere of 42 thousand matches, so that at the end it simply set fire to the world, creative, people, do, matches, ball

"The experiment shifted to see what the spectacle will be when this thing will light up"

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