Unusual solutions for ordinary Khrushchev


Partitions, so to speak, in the analysis

Our repair has already been completed, but we did it so long that my girlfriend had already had to make fun to me that, they say, she waits for the completion of our repair was already more than we ourselves.

Therefore, as soon as our house has turned from construction back to the apartment, we began to invite friends and acquaintances to us to show them what they only heard of our renovation over 9 months. The reaction was different, I liked someone, someone asked: "Where is your furniture?", And someone even amazed: "And where will you live here?!", At the same time, the last question sounded from the owner of Khrushchev , even less than ours. How many people, so many opinions. It is a pity that almost all of our guests are very far from repair, therefore, decompose all the pros and cons, they could not be able to decompose all the pros and cons. From that, it is doubly interesting to me, it will be interested in repairs with hardware, which either have already experienced repairs or in its full swing, or at the stage of pleasant planning.

Today, I want to tell you about our unusual (for Khrushchev) redevelopment. Before I was implementing it for a long time I was looking for examples of implementing such a planning solution on the Internet. But alas ... In the finished form, I did not find our redevelopment, but I found the site along and stayed here forever.))

So ... that we had:

One-bedroom Khrushchevka-book (with a room) on the first floor, a brick house for a family of three: Moms, Pope and their little daughters. No bearing walls, interior partitions wooden, overlaps are reinforced concrete, ceilings, which is surprisingly 2.90 m.

Planning before

Planning before

We needed a major repair, because we do not plan to sell an apartment. The fact is that my parents are adjacent to us in a three-room apartment at home more modern buildings. And in the future we plan to change apartments, well, or come up with something else.))) Moreover, in parallel with the purchase of this Khrushche, we also purchased a one-room apartment with a large kitchen and loggia in our area, having considered that after a few Years, the daughter will be more pleasant to have no room in a large parent apartment, and his own "house".

Such were interior partitions

Such were interior partitions

Partitions, so to speak, in the analysis

Partitions, so to speak, in the analysis

This site has already proposed and implemented many redevelopments of a similar apartment, just in case, we all "tried out" to our Wishlists, and realized that all 100% did not suit us and we returned to our idea of ​​reorganization.

In our little Khrushchev, we wanted to post:

1. Place for games to the child.

2. The pleasant place to us with my husband, which could not be removed (fold and lay out every day the sofa we are lazy).

3. For storage of things - storage room.

4.Cabinet (the husband works at home and his entire office equipment, documents and other things are stored at us at home and takes a lot of space, so the usual table for a laptop with a chair, somewhere in the corner, does not fit her husband)

5. The living kitchen living room is not only comfortable to cook, but also to receive guests (I have already written that my parents live in a nearby house, and Mom's husband lives nearby).

Based on this, during the long random and discussions, we stopped on the planning, which was in the apartment initially. We only changed the appointment of some rooms: so the kitchen has become the cabinet, the living room is a kitchenette. The little room became a nursery, and on the night also our bedroom, because the daughter categorically refuses to sleep alone, and when she sicks me calmer to be with her next.

Eventually? Throughout the day, the small room is a place for a daughter, a kitchen-living room for me, and your husband's office. In each room, we followed the sofa (folding), so if an adult wanted to lie down, for this we do not need to go to the children's bedroom.

Apartment plan after repaid

Apartment plan after repaid

Next, for those who are interested or relevant, I will tell you what we did to agree on our redevelopment:

Let me remind you, our apartment on the first floor, the transfer of wet zones is possible in it, but with gas everything is more complicated, because to transfer it - just an unbearable task.

What to do? The answer suggested itself, we need to abandon gas and install the electric stove. But to install the electric stove, you need an additional electric power, which was originally not in our apartment. And from this, our redevelopment began. (Even if we did not abandon gas, an increase in electric power in the apartment, in modern realities, is clearly not an excessive event).

And now by steps:

1. Those MOESK and UK, we increased electrical power from 3 kW to 15 kW, the capacity has become more than in many new buildings, the cable made of a shield basement to us in the apartment (in the basement we have a boiler room through which all the houses in the district are fed, Therefore, the power in the house is, only in the apartment it is not provided if it were not for this, the wire would have to pull out of another place, which could be more expensive).

The cost of permission is 6000 rubles. Now, according to the new rules of MOESK it costs 450 rubles.

Electrician and materials - 25,000 rubles.

Term - 1 month.

2. The moszhililation on consultation (with its refreshing pattern) to find out what we need to agree.

Cost - free

Term - 1 day.

3. For our redevelopment (and not only because of the change of functional zones, but even because the linoleum we change to the tile), the project was required, turned into an appropriate organization for its manufacture.

Cost - 20,000 rubles.

Term - one week.

4 "My Documents" - Documents and documents for increased electrical power were given. A month later received permission. The duty for approval is not charged.

5. Repair

6.The Продание просто зага.

The cost of the work of the MOSGAZ - 10,000 rubles. (By the way, in this amount they included 2500 rubles. for their fare to our house)

Help to turn off gas - 400 rubles.

Term - from the moment of appeal, to work and reference - one week

7. Relief in Moszhylilation, with the aim of calling the inspector to verify the compliance of the project repair.

Cost - free.

Term - 1 month.

8.Sosti new apartment plan through BTI. According to a new plan, a former kitchen, now the office is a non-residential room. New cuisine - became a kitchen with a niche size just over 1 sq.m., due to the fact that the washing and stove are flattened in the niche (on the site of the former "corridor-pass"). Since the stove is electric, then the rest of the living room (in which the kitchen-niche is located to the residential part of the apartment. And the bedroom remained a residential recording room. According to the result, our apartment did not lose the status of a two-room, although initially we feared that the apartment would turn into one-room. Thanks to the boss in Moszhilospect, which advised in the project to specify the kitchen in a niche, and the rest of the living room, he did not guarantee that BTI would leave us two, but he said that you would have more chances.

Term - 3 weeks.

Cost - 3000 rubles.

Explanation of BTI (they made it very conditionally, here it is interesting how they distributed residential meters and the kitchen)

Explanation of BTI (they made it very conditionally, here it is interesting how they distributed residential meters and the kitchen)

9. And most importantly, we changed electricity tariffs, as for houses with electric stove (through Mosenergo).

Term - the new tariff began to act from the next month after submitting the application and relevant documents.

Cost - free

That's probably all that concerns redevelopment, and the fact that in the end it turned out to show in the details in the next post)).

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