How to grow chili pepper at home: natural spices on your windowsill!


How to grow chili pepper at home: natural spices on your windowsill!

You will need

● Gloves

● Soil

● Chile pepper seeds

● Little pot

● Water

1. Themes of chili pepper seeds in warm water. Leave them there for a day, then take it away and dry. Folding into the soil only fully dried seeds!

The soaking procedure activates the seeds and the plant will grow strong. It is even better to use as an environment for soaking chamomile tea, it has a beneficial effect on seeds!

2. Prepare the pot for disembarking seeds, add drainage to the bottom of the pot, and in the soil - fertilizer. Purge seed for 1.5 cm deep into the soil.

3. Fall seeds daily! 1 tsp. It will be enough to moisturize the Earth around the seeds every day.

4. Chile's pepper loves warmth and many sunlight, therefore provide suitable conditions for germination of seeds. It is appropriate in this case to use the infrared lamp that accelerates the germination of seeds!

5. The first sprout may appear after a couple of days! A few weeks later, the plant can be transplanted into the soil or in a pot of more.

6. Important moment: if you want to transplant the pennhots into the street, you need to temper the sprouts, putting them on fresh air. Just just a couple of hours a day, and plants adapt to change temperatures! This will protect the leaning crumbling sprouts during the death.

7. Fertilizers containing potassium are ideal for chili peppers. Regularly feasting a small tree, you will create all the conditions for delight generous harvest!

How to grow chili pepper at home: natural spices on your windowsill!

How to grow chili pepper at home: natural spices on your windowsill!

How to grow chili pepper at home: natural spices on your windowsill!

How to grow chili pepper at home: natural spices on your windowsill!

How to grow chili pepper at home: natural spices on your windowsill!

How to grow chili pepper at home: natural spices on your windowsill!

How to grow chili pepper at home: natural spices on your windowsill!

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How to grow chili pepper at home: natural spices on your windowsill!

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